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this age is rather unfathomable, though, it’s foundation is survival instinct.

The second chakra is the spleen chakra and is the color orange. The spleen chakra is located right underneath the navel and is connected to our sexual and reproductive capacities. Any blockage in the spleen chakra energy center manifests as sexual guilt and emotional problems. The dawn of the second age related to the energies of the chakra system occurred around 10-8,000 BCE(before common era). This era coincides with the astrological age of Cancer, and was tagged by the agricultural revolution and travel by water through the introduction of ship building. This age was one of great cultural creativity.

The third energy center in our body is located at the top of the abdomen and is the color yellow. The solar plexus chakra is the seat of emotions, the solar plexus chakra gives one a sense of self-awareness and personal strength in this world. Any blockage in the solar plexus chakra energy center manifests as a sense of apathy or anger. The age in which the third solar plexus chakra coincides with is the age of Pisces around 1500 BCE. Warlike aggression and hierarchical domination flourished during this period by patriarchal forces. With the use of fire, the individuals of the day could make weapons, tools, and weld or forge metals. Male sky gods replaced the previous female earth goddesses, and turned worship towards the skies. With the presence of domination and persecution creates the need for personal and overall collective power. This state of existence still continues to this day, especially with the advancements in technology and sophisticated weaponry.

The fourth chakra is the heart chakra, and is the color green. Blockage in

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