Seven Chakras of the World Being Formed
The first center or chakra is being formed in the Middle East. That is what the activity there is all about. That area is where the root chakra must be formed. It will be formed, is being formed, and has been formed already on the ethereal plane.
The worsening situation in the Middle East is where the first chakra will arise from the ashes of the conflict. This action must take place to allow the continued building of the root chakra. This one must be resolved and formed and peace reign in this area before peace will become possible anywhere else in the world. The human form was started from the root chakra, remember, and it is the basic building block of all life on the planet.
The root chakra consists of the will to survive and this is what will be demonstrated by those countries. They are attempting to bring about the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God has naught to do with being a Christian nation, remember. All are from God, no matter what teacher they learn and grow and develop under. They are all serving the same God. All humans are one. They are the fragmented mind of the Creator God. Therefore, just because one is a Christian nation and the other a Jewish nation and the other an Islamic nation, does not mean that they can’t cooperate in ridding that part of the world of the negativity. The Kingdom of God will be the victor. Have no doubt about that.
All religions will cooperate with each other for the will to survive. They must because they are all one. This will build a strong foundation upon which to base a world that is not split by factions claiming to be better spiritually than others.
This will lead to world government eventually which is what