Sex Can Get Better as you Approach Mid-life
As you grow older, you realise that love and intimacy can mean a variety of things, and this wisdom leads you also to understand that, like many things, sex too can become better as you approach mid-life. You can express so many things through it, you realise, and there are so many ways to enjoy its full pleasure!
How can you get over your negative mental baggage, all the complexes and inhibitions that hold you back – and be at ease as you act on this realisation? Just think about it! Isn’t living an ongoing process, and don’t you learn something new every single day? Well, it is the same with sex. Even, if you have been married to the same person for decades, you can both keep your sexual batteries charged, if you act in tandem with each other. And there is the additional advantage that sexual fulfilment can help bring a greater balance in other aspects of your married life too.
What is the secret of having good sex? It is that good sex needs quality, time, eagerness and liveliness. With these, you can reap exquisitely erotic and emotional rewards. In life, practice makes one perfect, and this maxim applies to sex too. Practice is for you to embark on a silly and uninhibited hunt with your love in bed!
Sex becomes fabulous, if you are always trying to improvise. Remember that this is one thing at which you become better as you grow older. All the practice you put in during your younger years now pays off! We, after all, learn a lot from our various experiences as we mature and allow hidden impulses to rise to the surface. We learn what turns us on and what turns us wild!
We then wish we had known all this when we had been younger – but Nature knows the best!