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of creative activity or self-knowledge.

8. Sexual activity should be freely expressed with anyone whom one feels – even members of the same sex.

9. One should never suppress one’s sexual urges – it could harm one physically and psychologically.

10. Men should be allowed to engage in extra-marital relationships, but not women.

11. Both men and women should be allowed to engage in extra-marital relationships.

12. Sexual attraction is a trap that causes us to lose our clarity and reason.

13. Erotas is a sacred joy in life worth chasing, no matter what it may cost on other levels.

14. One’s success and manhood (womanhood) is measured by one’s sexual and erotic achievements. Otherwise there is something wrong with that person.

15. Real love does not exist.

16. Real love encompasses both sexual and erotic energies.

17. Spiritual growth is impossible as long as an individual is focused on his sexual and erotic energies.

18. Sexual energy can be transmuted into spiritual energy if one knows how.

Perhaps you could add another ten beliefs or so. What do you believe? Who is right and who is wrong? What is the truth in all of this? How can one formulate a personal philosophy concerning this powerful and yet confusing aspect of human existence?

I cannot personally claim to have any answers for society in general, but after much experience and thought on the subject, I have come up with a personal philosophy that satisfies me at present and may be useful to you in working out your own. The thoughts I will express here are personal and do not represent any particular system or established philosophy, except for the fact that I have obviously been affected by all the

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