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Sacred Sex
by timtak

Sex In Marriage ? A Marital Obligation, Not A Weapon


Sex for married people is an obligation not only for the purposes of procreation or erotic enjoyment but also for uniting the partners spiritually. Sex is the most powerful element in marriage because of what it connotes. It makes marriage sacred and is a builder of love and intimacy; such love and intimacy that is only reserved for married couples. The sacredness of sex makes it an abomination for the unmarried to go into it.


A marriage partner that does not understand the importance of sex in marriage will toy with it and expose his or her marriage to dangers. In my position as a pastor, I have observed lot problems in marriage as a result of a partner neglecting this marriage responsibility. This problem occurs from two reasons.


The first but inadvertent cause is the pre-marriage life one lived. Those who married as virgins, especially born-again Christians, take some time to adjust to marital sex life. Some of them continue to live with the notion that sex is sinful. They find it difficult to yield themselves to their husbands or wives. Initially, the man or woman may show some understanding but will become irritated if it continues. To overcome it couples should visit


The second cause, which is of more interest to us in this article, is deliberate and punitive. Sex becomes a weapon; a weapon of retaliation, intimidation and coercion at that stage. There will be no sex except something is promised in exchange. That is one sacrificing his or her marriage on the altar of narrow

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