Alexyss K Tylor Vagina Power radio show Sex & the Laws of Attraction Part 10 of 12 http
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Title: Vigiliae Artist: Morpheus Album: Rebis *** *** *** Dark ambient-ritual-experimental project from Spain, influenced by David Lynch / Angelo Badalamenti, Ordo Equilibrio, Andrew Liles, Current 93, Coil… Please check out for full info on this release and previous albums by Morpheus and Chaos Condensed (side project), photography, news and personal blog. Ritual-industrial-dark-ambient with a melancholic-jazzy feel, based on bondage, dualism, sex magick and alchemy. The artwork consists of 23 fetish tarot cards made exclusively with traditional darkroom photographic techniques. The album and its artwork are published under the BY-NC-SA 2.5 Creative Commons license and are freely downloadable from Jamendo (for Bitorrent or eMule clients) or from The Internet Archive (direct web download of full album & artwork or individual high quality mp3 tracks). *** *** ***
Video Rating: 4 / 5
This is amazing. I love you.
…mit dem augenblick….
Tief…ganz tief…hinein ins Universum hinter den Augen…