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Sex, Lies, and Rabbis: Breaking a Sacred Trust

Rating: (out of 3 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 19.79

Price: CDN$ 18.28

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3 Responses to Sex, Lies, and Rabbis: Breaking a Sacred Trust

  • Dr. Nils C. Friberg, Professor of Pastoral Care, Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN says:

    Review by Dr. Nils C. Friberg, Professor of Pastoral Care, Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN for Sex, Lies, and Rabbis: Breaking a Sacred Trust
    The painful elements of Dr. Schwab’s saga have little to do with being Jewish. Neither is this an indictment on rabbis. Clergy abuse of power and sex occur with alarming frequency in all faith groups in settings where fiduciary trust placed in religious professionals meets undisciplined, self-serving attitudes. This book calls upon every reader who can exercise influence to set up proper standards, policies, and procedures to take preventive action in their own religious community. I hope and pray this book will help prevent more abuses.

  • Harry Tyvail says:

    Review by Harry Tyvail for Sex, Lies, and Rabbis: Breaking a Sacred Trust
    If I could find something even lower than one star, I would rate this book at that level.
    This is the most slanderous book that I have ever read. Most of the information came from inaccurate reporting. She tries to sensationalize the cases by cutting and pasting snippets from newspaper articles. She makes no attempt to report accurate information. This book is a travesty. Her theories are insipid and stale. This author gives false hope to those who have been hurt. If you are looking for insight and or comfort, stay away from this book. Do not by this book.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Sex, Lies, and Rabbis: Breaking a Sacred Trust
    Sex, Lies, and Rabbis: Breaking a Sacred Trust is a powerful book. It is a combination of memoir and nonfiction about clergy betrayal, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and even two murders related to clergy sexual sexual abuse. It outlines cases, the cover-up by clergy authorities, what has to be done to correct this, prevention, definitions of abuse, clergy-personalities likely to become predators, and a seven step healing program. It is a must-read for anone concerned about any kind of abuse, prevention, and healing, and in the words of Rabbi Arthur Gross-Schaefer who wrote praise on the book jacket, “a must-read for anyone seriously involved in the Jewish community who believes that it is critical that we create safe and caring Jewish communities.” The Rev. Dr. Nils Friberg wrote, “…Clergy aguse of power and sex occur with alarming frequency in all faith groups…I hope and pray this book will help prevent more abuses.” The cover of this book features an original drawing by Doris Lubell which starkly illustrates the subject of the book. It should be displayed by

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