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Sex Magick

Sex and sexuality play a large part in many religions. Myths are derived from sex based ancient myths. For instance, in the Dianic myth, Diana falls in love with her image and makes love to herself. From this, she gives birth to a son, and her brother Lucifer. Lucifer is her other half, and she falls in love with him, chasing him across the universe, pinning for him to make love to her. In Greek mythology, Gaia gives birth to the sea (Pontus) and the sky (Uranus). She achieves this parthenogenetically (without male intervention). Gaia took Uranus as her son and from him, she gave birth to the twelve titans, six males and six females. From them the Gods of Olympus took place there of the Greek mythology. Within many circles, the Great Rite is performed, either symbolically with an athame and a chalice, or actually between the High Priest and the High Priestess (or the initiate and High Priest/ess).

Sex can also be used to raise power within the circle/group. Power is raised so that it can be drawn upon anytime throughout the ritual to aid in the spells/ritual being performed. Sex between consenting adults, or solo masturbation can be used. Sex between two or more people needn’t be heterosexual, as homosexual sex can be just as powerful. For a woman, the time of menstruation is her most powerful time, and performing sex magic at this time will be more

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