the bass plays the chorus and the intro into the chorus wrong, you dont play mutes going into the chorus, but that is really the only thing i saw wrong with this
besides that queer singer, seriously, he needs to get his ass kicked or something, dont know why he bothers me so much
You guys have the best covers of the Chili’s on this site! I bet you guys could write some grooving funk tracks as well! If you do get them on here. Keep the influences bros
singer is a faggit
awesome drums guitars and bass
the bass plays the chorus and the intro into the chorus wrong, you dont play mutes going into the chorus, but that is really the only thing i saw wrong with this
besides that queer singer, seriously, he needs to get his ass kicked or something, dont know why he bothers me so much
thats crap gt a better singer he is shit and do some original stuf
Horrid Horrid
gotta love a chilis cover
the guitarist and bassist do need to move around abit XD and the bassist needs to learn the song right, the guitarist played it perfectly
(my band played this song too :D)
You guys have the best covers of the Chili’s on this site! I bet you guys could write some grooving funk tracks as well! If you do get them on here. Keep the influences bros
Seriously is all you do cover Chilli Peppers! Write freakin’ original material!
who are you quoting?
yea maybe, but when you’re into the groove you dont worry about stuff like “o gee i hope i look cool” hes just in the moment
Those are Horrid Vocals. And Putrid stage pressance
Buena cancion!!!!!!! Me encanta el ritmo!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing! Really well played. Kinda expected the guitarist and bassist to move around a bit more but it seems like you guys have a small stage.
that’s what we’re doing
write your own songs