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Question by Alex R: Sex outside of marriage; is it political?
Well a modern concept within Christianity is that you shouldn’t have sex outside of marriage for your not “ready”. But in reality all that happens is 2 people make a commitment to an institution (by saying some magic words) that they and their children will be a part of the Church. Then somehow that little ritual makes you ready for a natural biological function such as sex.

What’s your opinion?
Rephrase the question

Sex INSIDE of marriage; is it political?

Monogamy has by no means resulted in fewer kids, especially since the church outlaws contraception. My parents are atheist, and only had one kid. A catholic family we knew had 5 kids.

Sorry but that argument doesnt work for me

Best answer:

Answer by Salvador
Sex is a personal choice and has nothing to do with politics or religion.

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9 Responses to Sex outside of marriage; is it political?

  • hubertthegoobert says:

    i think it was just so a dude could make sure his son was his own

  • Ethan says:

    My opinion is that it’s all crap and I doubt any large portion of the religious people who get married are actually virgins when they wed, as they would have at least lost their virginity to each other before making the commitment of marriage.

  • Ray G says:

    The whole point is that you find and commit to one person and don’t run the field like a quarter back. The ceremony is symbolic of that commitment.

  • Kris K says:

    The sex outside of marriage ban was taboo constructed around inheritance. That is, before illegitimate children could be recognized as legal heirs to property and political power. Think about how Elizabeth I of England was portrayed by her Catholic enemies- a b a s tard, and therefore an illegitimate heir to the throne. She is obviously not the only case, just the first that springs to mind.

  • cadisneygirl says:

    It is usually better for a society if the society is more monogamous and making a commitment to a person before having sex helps to maintain that concept of monogamy.

    It hasnt exactly been a great benefit to our societies ever since people started sleeping around, spreading diseases and having 5 diff kids with 5 diff fathers.

    Monogamy just works better for a society to function and so we push and promote institutions and attitudes that help maintain that order and balance.

    It was more political in the past.
    It isnt as political now in western society, but in many other countries it very much still is.

    I think most churches that push and promote no premarital sex really believe that its spiritually what we are suppose to do. I dont think its a political agenda, but of course some people will use anything as an agenda if it works.

    why am I getting thumbs down?
    How in the world does it serve society for people to be sleeping around with anyone and being careless with sexual activity?
    We, as human, are still careless, esp in the US. I think its up to half of all kids are born out of wedlock now.
    How does that serve society better?

    We have an instinctual desire to protect what we feel will best suit us as a society and a race. In most societies a family unit has been the way we have established order and passed on values in society. The best way to protect that order is to continue to promote the concept that the best way to have sex (which does many time lead to kids, esp with irresponsible people) is within that family setting.

    I am not talking about having fewer kids.
    I am talking about those kids being raised in a cohesive family unit with one mother and one father, or at the very least the children knowing who their father is.

    We promote that institution because it serves our society well for parents to take personal responsibility for those kids and the best way for that to happen is to make sure the parents make some kind of commitment to each other before bringing kids into the world.

  • Mulligan says:

    just think of the Genius of the person who invented that to take our most strongest desire and turn it into a bad thing unless its blessed by the religion Genius

  • Francisc H says:

    It is a stupid rule. Dunno what you mean by political, though.

  • AdoreHim says:

    No, it is not wrong to have sex before marriage because the person is not ready- it is wrong to because God says it is wrong, period. In the eyes of God, when 2 people make the commitment of marriage, they become one flesh!!

  • Put on the Full Armor of God says:

    Is sex before marriage okay if you love each other?
    No, sex before marriage is sinful even if you love each other. Being in love doesn’t alter the reality that the sexual act is outside of marriage, marriage being the ceremonial union of a man and woman in matrimony. Sex outside of marriage is called fornication and the Bible definitely condemns it.

    Matt. 15:19-20, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. 20 These are the things which defile the man.”
    Acts 15:29, “…that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well.”
    1 Cor. 6:9-10, “Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”
    Heb. 13:4, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”
    So, very clearly fornication is condemned in scripture and there is no provision for it being acceptable just because someone loves each other. Besides if this couple is so much in love, then why don’t they carry out what true love is and marry each other? True love is when you put another person first, not when you take from them. For a man and woman to engage in fornication is to declare that such love for the other person is more self centered, than other centered.

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