Sex Slavery In Our Midst
‘You brothers and sisters, were called to enjoy freedom, I am not speaking of that freedom which gives free rein to the desires of the flesh, but of that which makes you slaves of one another through love.’ GALATIANS 5:13
In this modern world where there are supposedly more Christians than pagans it is has to be somewhat of a puzzle why the sex slave trade has a footing in every country in the world without exception. The country that reckons it is the model for democracy also has a wicked domestic sex slave trade and not only with imported victims. Imagine walking in any city and there within a block or two of your location an illicit den of iniquity could possibly house young girls and boys. All for the sheer enjoyment of a clientele that is indifferent to the outcome of the sex slaves because they have an opportunity to do what they want and get away with it.
Sex slavery is not like regular prostitution as the slaves do not receive any compensation for their work and more importantly are not being prostitutes by choice. The price of the actual slave is so low that many find themselves in a shallow grave if they step out of line as modern slaves are very dispensable which says nothing for the real effect of human values.
Where have we gone as a civilisation that nurtures people who have very little regard for children, teenagers or young adults that this business is second only to drugs? In Ireland the evidence is very real of an ongoing illness in society that is now fully embracing the illicit ravages of a nation lost to the devil and the rewards of ravaging the innocent and the helpless. Worse still, the Government is doing little!
In Ireland I honestly never thought I
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