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would see the day that party adverts would be shown on our TV screens once eleven at night has passed. Honestly I blame religions and their dogmatic emphasis on strict adherence to primitive rules as the primary cause of the world gone lawless and godless. The cure has become more dangerous than the illness creating an industry that was not needed most definitely not necessary.


There are priests, ministers, teachers, police officers and other highly elevated people in responsible positions in every city and small town in the world; are they blind. Therefore why is this disease manifesting itself all throughout society where the demand is insatiable? It matters not if many of these clients actually go to church or have leadership roles as has been proven in documentaries, but that we do enough to curtail this industry.


Irrespective of church going members or not all of us are part of a democracy that supposedly protects its citizens yet there are very few criminals being brought to justice and little or no clients are being brought to justice either. Sodom and Gomorrah revisited and the cycle of life is being repeated all over again no matter the so called advances of society the basest of base ignominies that can ever be inflicted is as raw today as it was three thousand years ago.


Useful tip: Become aware of human trafficking and also pay attention to strangers in your areas as vigilance is the key. Support the agencies in your country that combat human trafficking as often as is feasible for you. Their websites have suggestions as to how you may offer assistance and many of them are quite easy to manage.


Tomas Coimin is a master of motivational techniques with a strong desire to help others seek greater peace through positive self-esteem. Based in Co. Tipperary Ireland. Through the years it has been very rewarding to receive acknowledgments from readers indicating the benefits of my writings and thus I pray to continue to deliver quality pieces to continue the trends of previous successes. I write and publish poetry and short stories too but my chief aim is to work towards strengthening self-esteem while eliminating the ravages caused by abuses whether financial, physical, sexual or mental.
Tomas may be reached at

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