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/> This is why people do say that you can never force someone to do something that they do not want to do because the spirit of resistance has already been built into the very powerful subconscious mind. If you did watch a lot of TV shows about hypnotism, you realise that most of the things that they make people do either are something they would do normally or they had the potential to have a desire to do – which is the most important thing in making the success of hypnotism.

So to the question of sexual hypnotism and its factual status, I would really have to say that it would be dependent on the person itself. The person would inherently have the character to easily have sex or have the inclination or inherent attraction already. That plays a very important role in sexual hypnotism. It is not the case where you can force someone to have desire for you, the chemical reactions and emotions necessary are far too complicated for just a single idea within to overcome. Sexual attraction can be instant or it can be built up over a long time; thus you need to understand the complexities of the situation before you even try your hand at sexual hypnotism. It is normally a tool used by psychologists to cure fear of having sex or sexual dementia.

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