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We visited the shamans that practice their craft near the Ceiba Tops. They showed us the medicinal plants they use and the body cleanuos they perform. They demosntrated their customes and rituals. We all participated in the magic (November 2007).

More on the link between shamanism and Bipolar Disorder
Video Rating: 4 / 5

27 Responses to Shaman Body Cleanup 1 – Loreto – Peru

  • fuffins1981 says:

    Very powerful!x

  • amberleah2008 says:

    The shaman has a really beautiful voice.

  • ozjthomas says:

    It is great to hear all of these again. Thanks again, Sean.

  • bipolarorwakingup says:

    @geirhardr If you study Ken Wilber and/or Spiral Dynamics as part of your research, you will see that societies evolve in similar ways across the globe., as do individuals One level always follows the next, no skipping to a higher stage, until the lower level is ‘completed’ in a sense. The sociological data is quite consistent. Is it a straight, linear development? Not quite, more like a river. But all rivers flow towards the ocean, (the ocean being a higher level).

  • geirhardr says:

    One thing, among many, that I agree with you on is the need for aspects of tribal culture to be re-integrated into our modern cultures. There is a great deal to be learned from the past, and much of it can be beneficial for us. For example, over this summer I plan on reading Mircea Eliade’s “The Sacred and the Profane”.

  • geirhardr says:

    It’s actually my great interest in past societies that led me to Franz Boas(*spelled incorrectly in my last comment). Biological evolution is something I can stand by, however I don’t agree with the evolution of human societies because it implies an inequality that is based on the course of time rather than function, and is subject to the perception of the person making the assessment of the societies being compared.

  • bipolarorwakingup says:

    @geirhardr Now the truth comes out! I like you though…smart, repectful and disagree. That’s cool. I have specifically made this highly UNPOPULAR video because I disagree with the anthropologist you refer to. If you check out my videos on the evolution of conscousness (Start with video #9). You will understand why. post-modern people hate the idea of evolution because it implies a type of hierchy, but its a heirarchy available to all of us.

  • geirhardr says:

    The Germanic tribes I’m referring to weren’t horticultural, I must have phrased that wrong. I would hesitate to say feudal “consciousness”, but given their stratified nature I would say you aren’t too far off the mark there. My problem is with the “lower level” you say tribal societies exist on. the anthropologist Franz Boaz emphasized the simplicity of that sort of idea, and argued against the notion of cultural evolution.

  • bipolarorwakingup says:

    @geirhardr Just to clarify…not all peoples that we might consider to be tribal today would fit in as part of pure Tribal Consciousness. But aspects of the tribal mentality, like magical thinking continue, in a weaker form right up into traditional consciousness. Thanks for the critique!

  • bipolarorwakingup says:

    @geirhardr, I see what you mean. Most likely the Germanic tribes you are talking about are more sophisticated (on a higher level) that what I’m referring to when I talk about ‘hunter gatherer’ tribes. They understood metalurgy, no? and had higher organizaitonal skills, correct? Their armies took on the Roman empire with great success. So, I would say that the ‘horticultural tribes’ you are referring to hear would most likely be close to the Feudal level of consciousness.

  • geirhardr says:

    Sorry… should be “Though it’s generally thought that within a tribal society growing food is on the scale of horticulture, the Germanic tribes… ” etc.

  • geirhardr says:

    That isn’t necessarily the case. Tribal societies could include groups of people with a social framework based around kinship, even those that are socially stratified. It’s generally thought that growing food never became larger than horticulture, the Germanic tribes of mainland Europe, participated in agriculture. While some of said tribes were more like nations, some did have the characteristics of a tribal society.

  • bipolarorwakingup says:

    @geirhardr tribal conscious society had no farming. They were hunters and gatherers.

  • geirhardr says:

    Efficiency could also be argued: Does the sheer amount of food produced by a factory make it more efficient than a small farm of the past? Or does the vast quantity of resources that the factory requires to produce food make it less efficient than a farm of the past?

  • geirhardr says:

    The idea that tribal society and consciousness is a step behind our own modern society and consciousness is a matter of relativism. For instance, technology: one could argue that our technology far surpasses any of the past (internet communication is faster than messengers, factory processing of food compared to seasonal growing schedules, etc); however, our technology has to constantly change, sometimes drastically, to keep up with the pace that our level of technology has established.

  • bipolarorwakingup says:

    @KanjaFloris I think shamanism is a great model for people with BD to look at, especially because shamans realized the necessity for courage when entering the Other Side. Now, how we interpret that other side is another story!

  • KanjaFloris says:

    Wauw, thank you for this video. Very clearyfying and helpfull. I’ve always kept the belief that psychosis is like a wound inside myself which I have to heal. At this moment after some strong sweatlodge experiences the call of my inner Shaman is even stronger, so I probably endorse in some irrational Shamanic course. Thank you for encouraging. Love, Floris

  • ArekkuTrax says:

    I’m currently writing a novel about a modern shaman, which I’ve been working on for half a year. Now that I’ve found your videos, I have alot more to integrate into my story. Thank you again!

  • Diazt3r says:

    shamans are op.

  • Diazt3r says:

    yep i have lots of fear in my life as well. i think alot of us are trapped by our egos. i have tried LSD and that is as close as ego death I have reached in my life as of now. On LSD i felt like i was part of a whole and not just an individual. I had lots of love and tolerance for people. (not that i recommend doing psychedelics) I think our fears and unresolved traumas are holding us hostage of our true self. Hopefully the both of us will conquer ourselves in this lifetime.

  • Plutonwolf says:

    Thank you for these videos. I am currently trying to deal with Bi-polar/depression and you have given me some insights to consider. I see that I am trapped by fear on so many levels and that I need to let go and experience an ego death. For too long I have been my facade instead of what I really am inside.

    Fear is a powerful and cunning beast, isn’t it?

  • KADAMASOUL says:

    this might be funny but — i fuking love Shamans from wow — lol my favorite class – tauren lv.70 on Burning Blade ^^

  • bipolarorwakingup says:

    Glad you liked it. There’s a lot to be learned from shamanism!

  • suziesmoothie says:

    I just love this video! Im reading a great book on Shamnism “The Shaman’s Body“ by Arnold Mindell. Its a real eye opener. Since I have experienced my 1st Shamanic journey and have had spontaneous shamanic experiences it has helped me develop my intuition even more…paying attention to every moment. Most of my shamanic experiences are with birds…this has lead me to follow my truth…we are meant to be living in harmony with nature. Dreamworld means more to me when I am awake…(:

  • bipolarorwakingup says:

    Cool! Don’t forget 17 and I’m working on 18.
    I feel that the key to healing for people online is to watch everything so that they know, without a doubt that they can heal. I’m trying to cover every angle, respond to every issue. I have about 3 or 4 more videos to go in this series.

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