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“SHAMAN DANCE MUSIC and RHYTHM THEATRE” Shaman originally referred to the traditional healers of Turkic-Mongol areas such as Northern Asia (Siberia) and Mongolia, a “shaman” being the Turkic-Tungus word for such a practitioner and literally meaning “he or she who knows.” The words in Turkic languages which refer to shamans are kam, and sometimes baks?. Some say the Tungusic word šamán is from Chinese sha men (Chinese: ?????), “Buddhist monk,” borrowed from Pali ?amana, ultimately from Sanskrit ?ramana “ascetic,” from ?ramati “he fatigues” (see shramana). “The word shaman is in fact loosely used for almost any savage witch doctor who becomes frenzied and has communication with spirits. In its original form it appears to be a corruption of the Sanskrit Shramana, which, indicating a disciple of Buddha, among the Mongolians became synonymous with magician.”[1]. Other scholars assert that the word comes directly from the Manchu language, and indeed is “the only commonly used English word that is a loan from this language”.[2] Another explanation analyzes this Tungusic word as containing root “sa-“, this means “to know”. “Shaman” is “one who knows”:[3][4] a person who is an expert in keeping together the multiple codes through which this complex belief system appears, and has a comprehensive view of them in their mind with certainty of knowledge.[3] A criticism against the above approach says that there is no evidence that this Tungusic word would be of inner origin, and

18 Responses to Shaman Dance Group

  • Nuiceltico says:

    Great mainly Turkic dancing troupe with many other influences like ancient Anatolia .Art well done not too nationalistic either.

  • Nuiceltico says:

    Shamans are now romanticised in the west , they range from Mongolia ,Siberia ,Tibet to Sth & Nth America and to the ancient Celtic Druids.There is no recipe other than transcending the material world of suffering and pettiness.

  • AttilaCan1 says:

    Nagyon JÓ!
    Attila from Hungary

  • BALIK1ADAM says:

    Atalar?m?z?n öz inanc? ?amanizim de?il Göktanri inanc?d?r. Göktanr? inanc?nda ?amanizmden izler bulunmaktad?r ama bu eski Türklerin ?amanst oldu?unu göstermez. Nas?l ki h?d?rlezde ate?in üzerinden atlay?nca Ate?etapar olmuyorsak ?amanist ö?elerin kulaln?lmas?yla da ?amanist olmuyoruz. Eski Türklerin inanc? ?amanizm de?il Göktanr?c?l?k, di?er ad?yla Tengriciliktir.

  • alisminisokbiyerine says:

    bunlar anlamaz arkadaslar bunlar arap k?rmas?. ruhlar? igdi? bunlar?n.

  • brakisefalp says:

    atalar?m?n öz inanc? ?amanizm ve ona ait her?eyle gurur duyuyorum.

    bu derin miras? kimse bize unutturamaz. 600 y?l de?il, 60000 y?l geçse yine de bu millet ?amanizmi hat?rlayacak.

  • acer5261 says:

    ?amanizme küfür edenler çocuklar?n?z tv’lerde en güçlü herkül’ü izler bir?ey demezsiniz,k?ç?ndan te? ç?karan zeus’bilir gocunmazs?n?z,tüm kültür erozyonuna muhatap b?rak?rs?n?z da,kendi kültürünüze gelince mi söversiniz ?

  • pubert01 says:

    Do you speak about a mushroom trip?

  • n3vaMind says:

    Shamanizmin Rusya ile ne alakas? var siz iyice ç??r?n?zdan ç?km??s?n?z,gerçek Türklü?ün ne oldu?unu aç oku ö?ren cehaletin gitsin.E?er Türk’üm diyorsan,shaman oldu?unu bilirsin zaman?nda..Komik olmay?n,?rkç?l?k gözünüzü bürümü?.Tebrikler payla??m için arkada??m..


    I am a shaman, it is not that mysterious, all one has to do is die, die die die die a hundred deaths of misery, be humbled and cast out and hated by everyone and live in the shadows with sickness, death and dis-ease and then have SPIRIT attack you and demons. Then one is prepared to meet the divine and its maker at the great levels. Then one heals themself. Then one is a shaman.

  • tigloon says:

    Geçmisimizi betimleyen güzel bir çalisma!Tesekkürler!

  • hermutli says:

    samanistlerin hakkindan ben gelirim bunlari bana yollayin ne demisler dinsizin hakkindan imansiz gelir:D DEFOLUN LANNN RUSYAYAAAA

  • onurozbek89 says:

    Allahim sen bizi kafirlerden koru

  • wordz4beatz says:

    tobe tobe kafirler

  • MassSoulCurse says:

    türk kültürünün türk evrelerine sad?k kalm?? güzel bir gösteri.

  • KockirAta says:

    Ne frenge ne yunana
    Yolum düser TURANA
    Özrehberim Baglama!

  • JapanicLife says:


  • denizcih1979 says:

    iste budur kültür budur sanat budur buzdan bucu göründü kim tutar seni

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