Shaman is a Brazilian band constituted of the former singer, bass player and drummer of Angra in 2002 … guitar player luis mariutti joined them a short time after
Video Rating: 4 / 5
see the big fight with 40 Paladins vs 40 shamans
Shaman is a Brazilian band constituted of the former singer, bass player and drummer of Angra in 2002 … guitar player luis mariutti joined them a short time after
Video Rating: 4 / 5
see the big fight with 40 Paladins vs 40 shamans
Try The Blizzard ITestGMI on,
–Remove the spaces
Iog in and try GM power!!!
those paladins were so horribly geared =P not to mention this was back in the day that paladins had zero use in the game other than to cleanse/aura/bless. Oh yeah, and Chain heal wtf pwn.
thumbs up if you don’t give a shit for the horde or alliance….
@Raildog111 like i know what game lags when 80 people are all in one server… jeez
So many consecrates…
talk bout lag
horde wins
“It’s my moms fault we died – i had a bad computer!!!!!”
remember how awesome it was when these two classes where exclusive to one faction each? miss vanilla… T_T
There are still a lot of quality vanilla private servers out there… I personaly play on Feenix 1.12.1 myself, when I get bored. And let me tell you, if you haven’t played pretbc, you really should check it out cause tbc and wotlk are a joke compared to it!
the video is fantasctic (I am speak spanish) xD
@corpsecorn private servers. What Blizzard won’t ever give you
Horde pally fTw
hmmf i love the hordes but…… paladins are better……. SCREW U BITCH!
For everyone who are searching for a new private server, just opened, and want to feel pre bc, please go register on the forum, and join! We are still ing(Still new) and making BG’s work! But once the server are big, we will make it for real! – And make pre bc live again!(Patch 3.3.3)
Join us now, and be in the very first raids!
– Instant 60, D1 to start out with.
For the Horde!
how did you get 80ppl to fight on 1 place? and how did you get all that ppl?
Musics in mw2 lol
thumbs up!
who won?
Try The Blizzard ITestGMI on,
–Remove the ()
Iog in and enjoy GM commmands!
for the neutrals!!!