A German production with English voice-over this movie shows the various voyages to spirit healer around the world including interviews with healed patience. I found it convincing and liked it. German title: Unterwegs in die nächste Dimension. www.luxormedia.org
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Greetings. In this video-voice narated guide i shall teach you how to heal as a restoration shaman. This video covers the basic things like: *Talents: eu.wowarmory.com *Glyphs *What spells do restoration shamans use *When to use which spells and how to perform in a combat situation *Which Earth,Water,Fire,Wind totems to use This video is part of a series and will have a few follow-ups that will discuss things like which addons to get for a resto shaman and which macro’s to get. Please take note that making these takes time and i can’t throw ’em out like crazy. Please stay subscribed in the meantime. If this video gets bad received i ofc won’t be making a followup. This resto shaman healing guide is made for patch 3.3.2 -Stay tuned by subscribing to my channel
well, like you said just run HC’s for emblems. And just need any healing gear. Most of them aren’t on your sever so ninja’ing once in a while is no problem. And i do not suggest buying from the AH. You can just wait a few weeks and get the same gear yourself.
(Continued, pressed enter too soon. haha) I have NO shaman healing gear because I leveled as enhancement. Would you suggest me running heroics as a DPS and get my badges while rolling on healing gear nobody wants? Or buy a set of healing gear off of the auction house? Any suggestions would be great. Thanks guys.