A German production with English voice-over this movie shows the various voyages to spirit healer around the world including interviews with healed patience. I found it convincing and liked it. German title: Unterwegs in die nächste Dimension. www.luxormedia.org
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Greetings. In this video-voice narated guide i shall teach you how to heal as a restoration shaman. This video covers the basic things like: *Talents: eu.wowarmory.com *Glyphs *What spells do restoration shamans use *When to use which spells and how to perform in a combat situation *Which Earth,Water,Fire,Wind totems to use This video is part of a series and will have a few follow-ups that will discuss things like which addons to get for a resto shaman and which macro’s to get. Please take note that making these takes time and i can’t throw ’em out like crazy. Please stay subscribed in the meantime. If this video gets bad received i ofc won’t be making a followup. This resto shaman healing guide is made for patch 3.3.2 -Stay tuned by subscribing to my channel
If you had done englisch subtitles and no voice-over, I could understand that film much better
Uhh i want to go there
get healbot …much easier
@digitalviolence101 waht is the name of the glyph and is it major or minor? cause that would help me
Shamatic you are mad! >.< i have got all of my shammy healing skills from you and now im always commented on my heals
So keep making vids! P.S whats the name of tht song?
Dk’s are IMO exelent tanks these days… they’re just a bit more gear dependant than lest say a druid or a paladin. However some people really don’t like healing dk’s and like to make a whole fuzz out of it. Therefore at level 80 DK tanks are like “jokes” of tanking. I myself don’t care about it all, and i actually prefere to heal a dk tank above a druid tank because the dk tank gives me more of a challange.
My resto shammie is 75, healed since lvl1, always wanted a healer alt. Btw, whenever I enter a dungeon and see DK tank, I shiver, they are mostly crappy as tanks and really hard to keep alive, I can easily go oom on healing a dk tank on 3 mob trash – does this change in heroics at lvl80, do they get better? I have no problems with other tank classes, gotta love bears, pallies and warrs. If they are good, healing is almost boring
i will say its best in ICC u need t ouse chan heal all the time aand riptide
resto shaman is the best!
Toen ik nog speelde (bijna jaar geleden) vond ik de 25k crits van de chainheal het gaafst in de raids! Goeie uitleg voor de basis.. Daarna komt het toch op eigen gevoel aan. gl in de volgende patches/ updates etc. =)
you use grid and make mouseover macros. it helps so much if you have to keep a target.
nice heals dude, if i saw your gear its not all to good, nice heals
Everyone hates Grid :). The worst part for me is the delay. You might try Vuhdo. It took me about 10 minutes to get the hang of how to configure it. Took me about half an hour to make it… lets say not ugly. But it’s really worth the time!
Thanks for the vid!
Nice vid I have an enchasment shamy ,but I will make her resto, nice tips but I think that earthliving doesn’t need extra power , if u reduce the totems mana cost is better.
50% chance for LHW…pretty big chance for it to go of yeah, also pritty big chance it wont go of
haste haste haste hastee and SP(:
Je hoort gewoon aan de manier waarop je praat dat je nederlands bent
wel grappig maar goeie guide hoor!
I prefer waiting a bit longer and trying to predict when to start casting Healing Wave, cos Lesser is alot less mana efficient for the amount it heals, but awsome guide

I changed my build thanks to you, and it works much better
You might want to look into mouse over macros, they make your life a heck of a lot easier since you just have to mouse over the portrait or the nameplate or the person themself…Pm me if ya need the template
I’ve got a spare healing stream totem glyph somehow in my backpack for a few weeks now. I was planning on using it. However at this moment healing goes OK as it does.
I currently run with healing stream totem and glyph instead of mana spring. And it seems i get more mana return with healing stream than i do without it. Have you ever tried it? Or am i seeing things?
Deed ik voor part 1.
En het totem gedeelte.
Dit 1ste stuktje moest ik ingame opnemen zodat ik alle details kon zien.
Yo, nice dat je een movie gemaakt hebt. Tip voor de volgende keer. Eerst recorden, dan je tekst schrijven en dan eronder monteren. Dat scheelt so and ums
Grid is ugly? lol normal uni is fugly
Hey man!
You can just roll into Heroics no mather what your gear is. However i suggest when entering the Oculus or Utgarde pinacle to leave the party and come back when your gear is better.
Overall just do heroics the worst that can happend is that your tank dies.
Hey Shamatic. Me again, I’ve hit 80 and have started a restoration set. I was just curious to know when you’d suggest starting to heal heroics. I have a very very rough restoration set. 15.9k mana, 1538 healing power unbuffed (Without earthliving) 374 haste and nothing impressive at all. any feedback would be great. Thanks!