@WTFskillsproductions Well, I didn’t quite say views equal talent. I just said that you had less views then him, because to me it seemed you were boasting. I agree that videos aren’t supposed to be based on views, but on their talent.
@DeidaraSenpaii well this is my real account, has a little more views, but do you really think views = talent? look at the most viewed vid on YT… and you can look at an amv im uploading and judge that, my new work I just dont think this is good, nothing personal
english version is 10000000000x times better than japan…
the voices are better , animie. and everything
only japan city knows their speak, but english, knows all world.. so english4ever
I know it’s gonna sound funny but i watched Shaman King like 5 years ago and i really missed it! it was my favorite Anime/Cartoon/Animation ever! i loved the show to death!
This is my favourite show,i nearly cried when zeek captured yoh’s spirit!It’s about 8 years old,but i still rewatch it from time to time!
@juanmi951 Whisper de evanecence
como se llama la cancion
nice very cool
one of the best animes ever created may i say =]
@WTFskillsproductions Well, I didn’t quite say views equal talent. I just said that you had less views then him, because to me it seemed you were boasting. I agree that videos aren’t supposed to be based on views, but on their talent.
@DeidaraSenpaii well this is my real account, has a little more views, but do you really think views = talent? look at the most viewed vid on YT… and you can look at an amv im uploading and judge that, my new work I just dont think this is good, nothing personal
@vvestsidaz Seriously? You have less than 2k views altogether.
dude? 1 mil + views, this isin’t very good I could do better
english version is 10000000000x times better than japan…
the voices are better , animie. and everything
only japan city knows their speak, but english, knows all world.. so english4ever
Not bad… Everybody’s Fool from Evanescence (Fallen).
i want to be a shaman
@drogue41 this anime is like zatch bell the show stops premeiring but the manga keeps going so go to one manga . com without the spaces and read!
I love this show but I hate the end ='( Hao was my favourite caracters
i loved
i loved this fucking cartoon when i was 5 years old!!!!! PS. i still love it.
I know it’s gonna sound funny but i watched Shaman King like 5 years ago and i really missed it! it was my favorite Anime/Cartoon/Animation ever! i loved the show to death!
love the song!!! love shaman king!!! love it all!!!
The manga is still going on, There is a SLIGHT possiblilty that they where waiting for the manga to get to such a distance before to make more epis?
evanescence? – whisper
evanescence? – whisper
what song is this?evanscene-???
but my friend said they are now working with new episodes^^