wtf transformers???? lol
want to do some training? hahahahahaha i fell offf my chair and it really hurt well who cares i couldn’t stop laughing hahahahaha
funny stuuuuufff hehe aahaha hahahahahaha can’t stop hihihi hahaha ok back to the point funny stuff i like this episode
Faust has got to be putting something extra into thoses IV drips, everytime he takes one he starts freaking out.
ahahaha lolz patchdnald lol ahaha and faust dancing and laughing wierdly ahaha soo funny XD
faust really love his wife!!! eliza
is faust a doll???
Faust is figiting his body wierdly
2:20 patchdnald=mcdonald lol
besto pulesssu lol
wtf transformers???? lol
want to do some training? hahahahahaha i fell offf my chair and it really hurt well who cares i couldn’t stop laughing
funny stuuuuufff hehe aahaha hahahahahaha can’t stop hihihi hahaha ok back to the point funny stuff i like this episode
i think Faust is having a seizure……
2:18 Hahahahaa!
03:57 looked like gundam seed desiny haha
want to do some training?
lol fuast just snapped LMFAO
“want to do some training?”….. lol… yeah right!!!
lol to faust and WTF theres Patchdonalds???
Faust is F**** eating funny in dinner he just vibrating. haven’t he learn how to eat food
faust taking drugs even for dinner lol, and manta the sidekick~
Faust is so funny hahahaha =)
hahaha @ yoh’s aura
& transformers.
I like faust and all.He one of my favorite characters.But yoh my top one.But Faust look like he has down syndrome.
faust looks like he’s on drugs
faust is funny