Ryu and Amidimaru are voiced by Sean Schemmel, VA of Goku. Yoh is not voiced by Jason Griffith, but Sebastain Arcelus, who also voices Hao (Zeke) HoroHoro (Trey) is voiced by Michael Sinterniklaas, he also voiced Leonardo in the 03-09 TMNT series, not Brian Donovan (Davis from Digimon and Rock Lee from Naruto)
Thing about this is, if you’ve read the manga first, you feel like this is so wrong. It’s not the same. It’s worse cuz they have to censor everything and yeah…
@PowersCast I remember when you and I wrote this comment. I really think that we were wrong about Ryo being Kakashi. I truly don’t hear the resemblance.
I’m not so sure myself, but when amazon used to show you voices and what else they played on, We looked up Naruto, found Dave Wittenburg as Kakashi. We looked at what else he did and we saw Shaman King. Out of curiosity, we clicked on it. Looked at the names, and low and behold there was Rio next to the name Dave Wittenburg. But we’re not sure because he sounds too much like Amidamaru, who we know for sure is Goku from Dragon Ball Z
being calm vs. being angry!
who will win?!
rofl Amidamaru… HAHAHAHAHA I’m not -.-
Silver sounds like knuckles in sonicx
is len stewie with hair
Len: Well This One Outta Crack U Up
Yoh: But in order to do that, You’d Have To Have Sence Of Humor.
holy crap he actually used those earfones
dude silvas hair style reminds me of sephiroth
Ryu and Amidimaru are voiced by Sean Schemmel, VA of Goku. Yoh is not voiced by Jason Griffith, but Sebastain Arcelus, who also voices Hao (Zeke) HoroHoro (Trey) is voiced by Michael Sinterniklaas, he also voiced Leonardo in the 03-09 TMNT series, not Brian Donovan (Davis from Digimon and Rock Lee from Naruto)
amidamaru and rio are both voiced by the guy who did goku in DBZ, hes just putting on an accent.
Because vampires are gay….just look at edward from twilight
Thing about this is, if you’ve read the manga first, you feel like this is so wrong. It’s not the same. It’s worse cuz they have to censor everything and yeah…
aww! poor lennie :'(
He does say that. in near the last episode when he and Yoh fight.
dosen’t lenny kinda remind you of stewie. Rule the world! ahahahahah! I can picture him and stewie switching bodies and lenny saying wat the duece.
@PowersCast I remember when you and I wrote this comment. I really think that we were wrong about Ryo being Kakashi. I truly don’t hear the resemblance.
@PowersCast Holy shit, you got good hearing lmfao.. I would’nt know none of them from other shows.
I’m not so sure myself, but when amazon used to show you voices and what else they played on, We looked up Naruto, found Dave Wittenburg as Kakashi. We looked at what else he did and we saw Shaman King. Out of curiosity, we clicked on it. Looked at the names, and low and behold there was Rio next to the name Dave Wittenburg. But we’re not sure because he sounds too much like Amidamaru, who we know for sure is Goku from Dragon Ball Z
@Harlei137XD hes a bitch to bason
anna is watching the show silva was talking about
@PowersCast one problem there is no way ryo is kakashi
Lenny is hot but he’s voice doesnt suit him!!!!!
@pavan861 xD yeah it is…but Yo sound more like a smart ass and a cocky than any of the other characters….O.o oddly I think it’s his sense of humor xD
this is so cool