shaman king episode 21 Video Rating: 4 / 5
@monsterhunter891 he bez veeeerrryyy happy to see yoh lolol
omg hao!! hao is here hao hao hao hao how??!!!!
YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!! IT’S HAO!!!!! HE’S FINALY HERE!!!!!!! I have a thing for these kinds of characters. It’s so abnormal.
Normally I hate cannon het pairings, but even though I don’t support YohxAnna, its impossible for me to hate her.
I love amidamaru´s childish crie. I loled so much.
his gatar is weird amidamaru cried for yoh and hugged him that was funny
his gatar is weird
gotta luv amidamaru! <3
at 3:10 amidamaru is SO FUNNY
he’s like a child haha
I teared up a little when Anna brought Yuo “Chinese for beginners”
omg it’s hao!!!!!! i love him!!!!!
wtf..looked like they were kissing -___-;;
its about time Hao showed up!
Hahahaa, lol, Amidamaru’s so adorable.
omg their ghost ball form r sooo cute~
I couldn’t stop laughing when Amidamaru kept crying while holding yoh. SO CUTE ROFL AHHAHA
3:11 Amidamaru the cling-on!
@NingyoAijin even in german but the japanese version is the only truth XDD
Wasn’t that big guy Ren’s uncle in the English version?
hao’s spirit is badass
Amidamaru is such a gay ^-^
english:best place japanesse:best prrrace lol
b/c he’s japanese
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@monsterhunter891 he bez veeeerrryyy happy to see yoh lolol
omg hao!! hao is here hao hao hao hao how??!!!!
YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!! IT’S HAO!!!!! HE’S FINALY HERE!!!!!!! I have a thing for these kinds of characters. It’s so abnormal.
Normally I hate cannon het pairings, but even though I don’t support YohxAnna, its impossible for me to hate her.
I love amidamaru´s childish crie. I loled so much.
his gatar is weird amidamaru cried for yoh and hugged him that was funny
his gatar is weird
gotta luv amidamaru! <3
at 3:10 amidamaru is SO FUNNY
he’s like a child haha
I teared up a little when Anna brought Yuo “Chinese for beginners”
omg it’s hao!!!!!! i love him!!!!!
wtf..looked like they were kissing -___-;;
its about time Hao showed up!
Hahahaa, lol, Amidamaru’s so adorable.
omg their ghost ball form r sooo cute~
I couldn’t stop laughing when Amidamaru kept crying while holding yoh. SO CUTE ROFL AHHAHA
3:11 Amidamaru the cling-on!
even in german but the japanese version is the only truth XDD
Wasn’t that big guy Ren’s uncle in the English version?
hao’s spirit is badass
Amidamaru is such a gay ^-^
english:best place
japanesse:best prrrace
b/c he’s japanese