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Sharicasmi the shaman tank (Chromaggus server) is back and kicking ass in Icecrown Citadel. Footage of a 18/53/0 shaman main-tanking several mobs and eating Saber Lashes on the first boss of ICC 10. song is “Know your Enemy” by Darkshift.

25 Responses to Shaman tanks Lord Marrowgar Icecrown 10man

  • MCNyundo says:

    NICE TANKING !!! -.- U SUCKZ i can tank too this boss with my off warr … and no tank gear … and MS skilltree … … … u are so bad … this is dont tanking … only cleave eating and u have 3 healers .. … soooooo bad

  • 0neFunnyDude says:

    btw, what are your two add-ons you got on in the video?

  • 0neFunnyDude says:

    @TheObicha You moron lol, look at his health :p

  • 0neFunnyDude says:

    God… a Shaman tank.. thats epic :p wearing mail while tanking :p

  • petris101 says:

    @TheObicha off tanking mon,you know,sharing the cleave damage.

  • TheObicha says:

    Are you even holding aggro? Becasue looking at what Marrowgar is targeting, its that pally in ur group…The Shammy is just stacked on the tank. Your tanking the Trash is all I see (which is still cool for shammy in ICC 10) but to say your tanking Marr dosnt really look like it.

  • HobbsInRoM says:

    @thedon367 i think he uses frost shock im not sure either

  • HikarusBestGirl says:

    @TheBlackmage4789 Frost shock bro frost shock

  • thedon367 says:

    i see that u hold aggro but how?, no taunts or anything, correct me if im wrong cos ive never played a shammy past 10 lol

  • DominantRace231 says:

    2 mins
    theire all fighting the spider
    and only 2 of you pwned the ghoul too cool
    i have a warrior tank(full gladiator)
    after seeing this vid… WHOA Shammys are way cooler and more intresting to play 😀
    i made one
    p.s. what’s ur wep
    good luck

  • FlorangeRizzle76 says:

    my question is about how your damage reduction from armor is? do you enchant it with defense?

  • IZAPUXX says:

    i’d like to try this, so how much resilience is defense caped?

  • Sunmage96 says:

    OP healers :S

  • 26176032 says:

    OP healers (?)

  • TheBlackmage4789 says:

    Sharicasmi stop being so damn awesome. Before I quit I had to try it on my shaman. I got up to tanking ToC 10 man. Stop breaking the shaman class. XD

  • Christianr1996 says:

    im confused! what if u lost agro what do u use? then

  • Fredsapathy says:


  • Aphroditeyy says:

    Notice all the skeletons on the ground during the marrowgar part? I think some raid group wiped alot 😉

  • oggelogga says:

    @Kloen27 its easy frost shock 😛 and if e pills its gif him threated the whole fight

  • Kloen27 says:

    How do you manage threat?

  • Copperbat says:

    This is sick! It must be a blast to watch you! ty for sharing.

  • RealGateGuardian says:

    @loopers22 Some PVP offres +Dodge or Parry. SOme PVP also offers more stamina than most if not all raid/tier gear offers. His has the bare minimal HP required for a tank just entering ICC. Nevertheless Shaman Tanking is fun. His defense as of 6/7/20 id 471,

  • RealGateGuardian says:

    @xperdit1onx Look at his portrait, he has aggro the entire time. He may not be the single target tank for the boss himself, but he is tanking.

  • RealGateGuardian says:

    @cloudx2266 YOu’d have to be geared like Shari to be given a chance. But beause we’re not a plate wearing class or a class with a talent that’ll make us uncrittable, we’ll never be taken seriously for shaman tanking. I’ll be making a shaman tank set, I got a few rings and trinkets so far, nothing fantastic.

  • RealGateGuardian says:

    @Nixxen Unfortunately not. Shaman Tanking is VERY difficult as we have difficulty grabbing aggro. Where as the tank classes have Taunts, shamen do not. Stoneclaw Totem taunts every so often but not when you exactly need it. I’ve done some Shaman Tanking as Enhancement. It’s a lot of fun, but your healers will need to geared nicely and you’ll need atleast one Hunter to use Misdirecting Shot on you.

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