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To learn more about the power of sacred drumming… (more) Added: March 01, 2008 To learn more about the power of sacred drumming, or to create your own drum please visit Jade’s website:
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Sue Moondragon summarises The Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel. Sue works with a contemporary mix of ancient Native American and Celtic Medicine teachings and includes many modern influences. The Dawn Star Circle hold courses around the UK, either on their own sacred land by Glastonbury or other places of great beauty. See website for course details and please email all comments and questions about the video to Video produced by Doug Lyon.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

24 Responses to Shamanic Drumming with Jade Wah’oo Grigori

  • 911Heartmelt says:

    You’re most welcome-I’m not Jade in the video..just been working with him.

  • 911Heartmelt says:

    Right on

  • 74brooklynboi says:

    Sounds beautiful. I don’t know if I should fight or just go into a trance after hearing this. I love this though. Really touches my my soul, my core. Peace.

  • Jxoox says:

    Dear elder
    thank you for sharing your power and especially sharing the voice of your drum
    It is wonderful to feel its power and to know that the old ways are still alive today
    love and peace

  • 911Heartmelt says:

    No, you won’t get as much out of it as the shaman’s drum(ming) shown above

  • 2012singularity says:

    wow!! in this moment i am about to smoke from my peace pipe, then im off to the forest to once again meditate with the use of a drum. i am using an african djembe drum approximatly 8-9 inches circumphrance. can you tell me if this has any restrictions in achieving results? i must thank you deeply for sharing this wisdom, as it has brought peace to my life and aids me in worship.
    God bless,

  • LyeComplex says:

    Spirit-Intent/Stillness/Void > South-Water/Joy/Life > West-Fire/Sadness/Death > East-Air/Anger/Fighting > North-Earth/Fear/Fleeing . This is the Toltec View, it seems that the directions are constantly confused with one another. At the bottom of the tree of life the directions flip; East > West > South > North , because it is a mirror of the higher realms.

  • thegorilla69 says:

    gravity is not gentle tho, it’s fighting perpetual motion…..remember how fast the earth is spinning.



  • coleeee77 says:

    I think I needed to hear this : ) Thank you

  • c1130762 says:

    Thank you for this video =) thank you for the speech, it gives me peace and point

  • Lifesthebest says:

    what a wonderful and healing video. Thank you so much!!!

  • angeldustxiii says:

    hi, pretty cool. i like your style. blessings to u and yours

  • Arachnobama says:


  • hdiylove7 says:

    Interesting. Sharing National Sunday Law by A. Jan Marcussen=)

  • imageanative999 says:

    Day and Night we understand and live with it.
    So must we do with are saddness and bliss
    We are all connected we are born of the earth
    we are her children respect the mother
    the father sun.
    and the grandfather
    to be used by all my relations
    White black red yellow
    I am proud of you and with respect continue
    Teaching feeling and being in the moment.
    Being native has good teachings as i am sure every race has good teachings
    You understand day and night and why it is.
    So WE may live.

  • hornydevilpup says:

    wheels turn slowly … lots of positive energy if your willing to seek it out
    Great Video 5*

  • porpoisefathom says:

    Bozhoo!! she speaks truth- it is an honor that she speaks about nature and native American ways- there are no teachings that belong to one nation…

  • MysticFlame303 says:

    Thank you Sue and Dawn Star Circle, I think that was a truly beautiful way of explaining the elements and the Great Wheel. Much love and light to you!

  • gangaji1999 says:

    that was great”, so down to earth, i love it, thanks so much”’*******

  • daains says:

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  • Ahbelina says:

    Hi Sue, Great video. I totally agree with not repressing certain emotions. thank u

  • MysticSunTiger says:

    Woman. I loved this video. It is such a powerful message that we all need to hear again and again. Bless you for sharing. It always amazes me how Shamanism and Feng Sui and Ayervedic medicine all talk about the elements in similar ways.

  • energyworker says:

    Water washes and runs freely as emotion
    Earth grounds us to being a human
    Air demonstrates that breathe empties mind
    Fire the element that teaches about the force of spirit, I am passionate, the Great Spirit.

    AWESOME thanks for the teaching! Four Stars!

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