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than this, however.

Realising – long before the discoveries of quantum physics – that all ‘things’ are really one thing, the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm, the shamans of Tuva had a quite different way of using stones in their divinatory practices. They would use them to actually change the future, not just divine its essence.

In their approach, 49 small stones are used. Sometimes these are pebbles from the bed of a river; sometimes they are gallstones taken from a slaughtered bird, which are considered most sacred.

The shaman begins by casting the stones in answer to his client’s question or problem. The divination itself is complex because of the sheer number of stones and the patterns that can be made. To a trained eye, however, the different clusters and strings of stones each represent a past, present, or future situation, a trend which continues in that person’s life and an outcome which is inevitable unless the dynamics of that life are changed.

This is where the Tuvan approach differs from the others, for the shaman is aware that there is a relationship between all things and that the stones are more than just a reflection of his client’s life; they are his life. By changing the pattern of the stones, it is therefore possible to change the pattern of his client’s life, and so directly affect the outcome of the problems he is facing.

To put this into a modern context, you might visit a diviner to discover whether your application for a new dream job will be successful. The stones, however, may show that you do not get appointed to the job you want. The shaman, knowing that you really want this position, is able to discern from the

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