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Jan Irvin on KOA AM talks about Shamanism and Freedom. Jan Irvin is an author, lecturer and researcher in archaeoastronomy, astrotheology, ethnopharmacology, shamanism, symbolism, ancient and modern mythology, fertility cults and ancient and modern religion. He co-authored the book Astrotheology & Shamanism: Unveiling the Law of Duality in Christianity and Other Religions, 2006, with Andrew Rutajit. He also co-produced the DVD The Pharmacratic Inquisition, 2007, and Sexual Symbolism in Religion, 2007, also with Andrew Rutajit. He is also the author of a new book entitled The Holy Mushroom — The Evidence of Mushrooms in Judeo-Christianity, 2008. He is the curator of the official website for John Marco Allegro, the much criticized Dead Sea Scrolls scholar, and has contributed much to the re-examination of many of Allegro’s theories. Last year he contributed research toward the academic article Wasson and Allegro on the Tree of Knowledge as Amanita, 2006, with Michael Hoffman. This article is to be published in the The Journal of Higher Criticism. He has been featured in the documentaries The American Drug War, to be aired on Showtime this March. He’s also featured in the recently released Canadian film called High Jacking Humanity. He brings with him over 15 years of research into the study of ethno-pharmacology and drugs. Through the years he has given dozens of public speeches and radio interviews regarding his studies. He is currently working on several book and video

Yurriva Appolon- authentic singer from Kamchatka (northern region of Russia), appears on Moscow stage with traditional songs and shaman dances.

21 Responses to Shamanism & Personal Liberties 1 of 6 with Jan Irvin

  • Hashishin13 says:

    It wasn’t Leary’s fault he may have just given them a little push towards their natural inclination, but they would have done it anyway. “They” (the mainstream) try to ban Salvia whenever they become aware of it. It is their knee jerk reaction out of fear and will-full and happy ignorance.

  • EnoDude says:

    @TheWiretap : You are then one of the few who can really trip like that, I can also do that and probably laugh my ass off because just like you, i understand what they are, but for someone who doesnt know or have done it for the first time it would be confusing. Thanks for that reply..

  • hash626 says:

    i agree! i’ve only done this once, but doing mushrooms in isolation, laying on a bed, in a dark setting with closed eyes can be profoundly spiritual. i can proudly say that from personal experience. now i’ve never had a bad trip and ill tell you why, well not you but other people reading this. my first time i only had 1 gram, and from that i decided i liked them alot. i’ve also done them with other people several times, so im experienced. once you reach that level, doing them in isolation is fun

  • TheWiretap says:

    they work for me both indoors and outdoors. It’s a different trip either way. I’ve had amazing indoor trips, and incredibly outdoor trips too 🙂 it works both ways, because you ‘know the score’ either way on shrooms regardless of your location.

    I would actually love to know what a night club is like on shrooms though, I bet it is absoloutely hilarious.

  • Shroctopus says:

    Some on my most enlightning experiences were indoor mushroom trips…. it didn’t really matter, at one point my ceiling melted away and i was staring into space.

  • EnoDude says:

    Thats very good my friend. I recommend you to get in the open field. Maybe go camping or walk thru trails or hiking. I usually go to the smokey mountains in knoxville Tennesse and go camping since i live close to it. Your experience of the earth would be most gratifying. Thanks

  • pulsating123 says:

    I take them inside my house at night…..Sometimes outside but not often. Its not a party thing like you said. I do it well and alone and ritually give many thanks to the mushroom before ingesting them.

  • emptyhighways says:

    First psychedelic I ever had was a uninformedly massive bong hit of salvia extract. The experience was very intense and, um, quite psychologically traumatic. That Philip K. Dickean paranoya that reality is about to suddenly shatter right under my feet is still something i feel whenever i recall that experience.

  • emptyhighways says:

    you’ve never tried any entheogen/psychedelic before??? and straight to ibogane? wow, that’s definetly an intense start most likely, good luck! Are you doing it as an addiction treatment?

  • newgtguy says:

    I’m about to try ibogaine up in Canada. The only thing is, I’m scared. I’ve never experienced any kind of Entheogen before…

    Wish me luck!

  • EnoDude says:

    Mushroom are to take outdoors. It is a sort of union between you and the earth. They are not to be taken indoors such as night clubs or discos

  • wessmann007 says:

    Eat Drink and Beat Mary…….

  • TuraniaHungary says:

    Shaman songs has got a very old, true power. We have to learn from shamanism.
    Greatings from Hungary!

  • Megesse says:

    strach si? ba?

  • Megesse says:


  • Llarky says:


  • scrdb says:

    ????? ? ????????

  • dj4ipolino says:

    awesome!! i feel like to dance!!!

  • onlyforreg says:

    ?? “from Kamchatka”, ? “ahead of Magadan”. 😉

  • whippedmilk says:

    gosh! I love Koryak traditional, pity it’s so hard to find 🙁

  • bulgarish says:

    The authentic songs and rituals have to be saved for the generations!!!

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