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NOTE: In my personal opinion, anyone who calls themselves a “Shaman” and does not use entheogens is not a Shaman. As Terence McKenna once said, “Shamanism is not a religion, it’s a set of techniques, and the principal technique is the use of psychedelic plants.” Ruth Inge-Heinze, Ph.D. (bio from With a Ph.D. in Comparative Religion and Psychological Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley, Ruth-Inge Heinze has devoted her life to spirituality and healing. She is teaching and conducting research in Asia, Europe, and the United States since 1960. Her work is reflected in six books, eg, The Role of Buddhism in Modern Thailand (1974); Tham Khwan: How to Contain the Essence of Life (1982); Shamans of the 20th Century (1991); Trance and Healing in Southeast Asia Today (1988/1997); The Nature and Function of Rituals (2000); The Search for Visions (2001), and over a hundred of essays in professional journals. Ruth Inge-Heinze is a long-term meditator and has been president of a meditation society in the Bay Area. She also holds licenses in Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, Reiki I and II. Aside from her regular presentations at national and international conferences, she is also the founder and moderator of the Annual International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing since 1984. Currently she is involved with a monthly Dream Group and designs the lectures for the Universal Dialog series and two other
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Hakim Bey Chaos followed by Terence McKenna Shamanic Technology with some Trance Plant Eye Candy
Video Rating: 4 / 5

23 Responses to Shamanism with Ruth Inge-Heinze, Ph.D. – Part 1 of 3

  • satinhooks says:

    probably not.

    there are so many shamanic cultures that use entheogens, it is obvious that some cultures abandoned the tools that established the practice in the first place.

    there were entheogens here long before man.

  • SilentBud420 says:

    MAny problams *

  • SilentBud420 says:

    who cares anyways either way, all i care about is the ultimate truth of reality.. and how we are gonna stop violence and bring peace on earth. who cares how you cultivate ultimate peace in yourself // as long as you do it.. mabey problams in the world today,

  • YamTwvHuab says:

    Brainwashed by modern culture? I think you fail to see that shamanism isn’t all exactly alike across cultures. Maybe you haven’t studied it enough…maybe you’ve only studied it in native American tribes? or Latin American tribes? Shamanism is by definition granted through the spirits, therefore why would you need plants/drugs? You know drugs are needed because you’ve only studied those cultures that use it. Many others you are ignorant about. You should study more than just two or three.

  • SilentBud420 says:

    all i know is entheogenic plants are a main part of shamanism…if you disagree your lying to yourself and problly brainwashed by modern culture. ya you can reach the same states with repetitive drumming and chanting.. but if there a plant in the area where they are that induced spiritual expirences and trances…they will use it, they dont see it as “drugs” …only to outsiders that cant understand the practices have negative feeling towords that type of thing

  • YamTwvHuab says:

    If shamans are chosen by birth? by spirituality? a drug is and should not be necessary…if a drug can induce spirituality… it the drug? or is it that the person is chosen? if anyone can experience it? are they just high on drugs? The use of a drug is demeaning to shamanism. This is my opinion.

  • YamTwvHuab says:

    I do not believe u are correct on this. Shamanism is very ancient and varies across cultures. You are making a general statement which is untrue. I believe shamanism doesn’t require drugs. Doing so demeans the nature of shamanism. SOme may even say that the drug is inducing the trance, and there is no spirituality at all. Thus, the requirement for a drug takes away the essence of the practice.

  • SilentBud420 says:

    shamanism started with the use of entheogenic plants…it evolved into MANY differant things over the years

  • YamTwvHuab says:

    This is incorrect. Shamans do not need to use any drug in their shamanistic methods. I am a SE Asian and we do not use any drug in order to energize or become tranced. This is more Amazon-like and native Americans. You cannot generalize shamanism like that

  • SFwizardoakland says:

    thanks for the dank!

  • AndrewRutajit says:

    This whole show is on my YouTube page…


  • Codackussell says:

    where can i find the continuation of this.

    interested party

  • revdonovan says:

    awesome post. Thank you very much

  • DrMrTot says:

    @ Tektribe 808,, Bill Laswell did the music and you can download the entire album on demonoid.

  • Tektribe808 says:

    Wow, I love the sound track that’s playing between 6:10 – 6:18. Does anyone have any info? Thanks in advance!

  • EnergyOM says:

    Very meditating to my mind!

  • YouTuperware says:

    very very cool….
    thank you!

    is just heard from Hakim Bey… maybe i should get deeper into his works… sounds really interisting

  • retrocareermelted says:

    you should keep this posted man, this is epic

  • TrancePlant777 says:

    Hakim By is reading the first section.
    Terence McKenna the second .

  • Halinym says:

    who the hell is reading it?

  • greensoulsufi says:

    asalaam alakum, may allah bless hakim bey

  • osirisbest says:

    yo this aint Hakeem Bey.who using the god name.its only 1 moorish paradigm.Islaam

  • AaroVoro says:

    tasty visual candy….
    thoughtful words….

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