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NOTE: In my personal opinion, anyone who calls themselves a “Shaman” and does not use entheogens is not a Shaman. As Terence McKenna once said, “Shamanism is not a religion, it’s a set of techniques, and the principal technique is the use of psychedelic plants.” Ruth Inge-Heinze, Ph.D. (bio from With a Ph.D. in Comparative Religion and Psychological Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley, Ruth-Inge Heinze has devoted her life to spirituality and healing. She is teaching and conducting research in Asia, Europe, and the United States since 1960. Her work is reflected in six books, eg, The Role of Buddhism in Modern Thailand (1974); Tham Khwan: How to Contain the Essence of Life (1982); Shamans of the 20th Century (1991); Trance and Healing in Southeast Asia Today (1988/1997); The Nature and Function of Rituals (2000); The Search for Visions (2001), and over a hundred of essays in professional journals. Ruth Inge-Heinze is a long-term meditator and has been president of a meditation society in the Bay Area. She also holds licenses in Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, Reiki I and II. Aside from her regular presentations at national and international conferences, she is also the founder and moderator of the Annual International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing since 1984. Currently she is involved with a monthly Dream Group and designs the lectures for the Universal Dialog series and two other
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to recognize when you are going through a Shamanic Test. The classic signs, why it is happening, and how to best navigate this master ritual and succeed.

29 Responses to Shamanism with Ruth Inge-Heinze, Ph.D. – Part 2 of 3

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @spymasterJinxy mother nature is by no means older than God… that is like a euro-pagan idea.. Yes God would forgive any sinner at their deathbed if they have turned from their ways, God came and sacrificed himself taking the punishment we deserved upon himself… so yes, how are you and i any better than them? just because we have little evils doesnt mean we do not contribute to the pain and suffering of this world! Go ahead and worship the meaningless unity of the trees..

  • spymasterJinxy says:

    @MrHappiness777 Listen mate, if I go to a Christian Hell, you can say, “I told you so,” then, I prefer in my beliefs of a figure that is older then God. That figure is Mother Nature. I mean no rudeness to you, but honestly, I have this question to ask YOU, would God forgive murderers or pedophiles and what not who repent on their deathbed? I don’t believe I would follow such a God that forgives them. That is why I worship Mother Nature.

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @spymasterJinxy all cannot be right in their own way… relativism may be one of the biggest means of destruction!! it has become taboo to even make a claim of absolute truth anymore.. We know because of the law of non-contradiction that relativism does not work. You cannot truly follow Jesus and think that it is just as good to follow murders let alone any other path. Pray that the lord can open your eyes, heart and ears to his truth, and for wisdom, watch some ravi zacharias, andpaul washer!

  • MrHappiness777 says:

    @spymasterJinxy The creator figure, not the savior and they are all VERY DIFFERENTand notcompatible. Due to the law of non-contradiction it is very obvious that christianity cannot be mixed with other religions and beliefs. Jesus WOULDwant us to argue over the real one, because Jesus only spoke in one version. And Jesus does not say there are many paths to God. The Bible says that the world will worship him, but that MANY would take the path to destruction and FEW would take the path to life

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