www.shamansharvest.com – Official video for the single “Dragonfly” taken from the Tribal Music release Shine Directed by David Probst
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Terence McKenna talks about the shaman as an advanced kind of human being, able through the use of mind altering substances to project his consciousness towards other dimensions overcoming the limitations of space and time.
@Kleenexfan yea i noticed that too, they cut out little parts and screwed with his voice in the chorus and cut out the echoed lines
The fuck was that? don’t get me wrong this band fuckin rocks but The video was off for me WTF happend?
Pure brilliance This song is by far the best I heard in a while………..SHAMANS HARVEST !!!!
Love this song, sounds like rock should.
My head phones cant play this loud enough
Best Rock Band in a long time []m[]
Great band. Just bought the CD. You should all do the same and support them.
Great Band. Just Bought the CD. Go buy it and support them.
badass is all i can say
Great song! They do remind me of BSC.
This is one of the better songs i have heard from a new band in a long time… me and my girl are gonna have to get the album to hear their southern style of rock… this is a great band and i hope they keep it going… FKIN ROCK Shamans Harvest ^,..,^
Been my fav for a long time and it still hasnt got old and boring yet…and its still my ringtone lol
i jus watched the mutha fuckers in concert they fuckin rock yaaaaaaaaaaa
I heard this song for the 1st time today and I luv it.
he looks a bit like jack black.. Anyone else notice that?
i love this song. just absolutely LOVE it.
when he sings i ment
i think we he sings it kind of sounds like sevendust
Best fucking mixture of blues and rock. AMAZING SONG!
it was Great Meeting u guyz in PHX!!!!
awesome song.. awesome musicianship.. awesome vocal work…. but why cant the singer quit screwing around and help the band move their shit?
Jack black? HAHA
hasn’t been released yet. a short edit is all over youtube
and whta happened with the song Broken Dreams? where i can find it?
srry i lied its drop d flat and aparently i dont know what im talking about