Track is Say the Same by Shaman’s Harvest. This track is off the album SHINE. Content belongs to SHaman’s Harvest. This band has a great sound and needs more support! Check out their CDs!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Shaman King Plot Summary Manta Oyamada, a shrimpy, studious middle-school student from Tokyo, attempts a shortcut one night through the graveyard to get home after a late night of cram school. While traveling through it, he encounters Yoh Asakura and his “companions”: a graveyard filled with ghosts. Yoh reveals himself to be a shaman, a medium between the worlds of the living and the worlds of the dead. Yoh also demonstrates Shamans’ ability to unite with ghosts to to achieve a shared goal. Over the first few chapters, Yoh and Manta become best friends while Yoh uses his shamanic abilities to help them out through various normal tasks. Yoh soon encounters Tao Ren, a Chinese shaman, and his ghost Bason. Ren is on a quest to destroy humanity as well as prepare for the upcoming “Shaman Fight” being held in Tokyo. The Shaman Fight is a battle held once every 500 years between competing shamans to choose a winner who will become the highly sought-after “Shaman King”, one who is able to contact the Great Spirit (the spirit that every soul will eventually go back to). The winner gains the ability to reshape the world in any way they want. Anna Kyoyama, Yoh’s fiancée, soon enters the picture and prescribes a brutal training regimen, in order to prepare Yoh for the tournament. Thus begins the plot that will lead Yoh on a journey that will lead him to many friends and adventures. Through a series of events and also through participation in the Shaman Fight, Yoh meets and befriends …
English version makes me actually want to be Shaman King. Japanese version just makes me want to… dance.
I feel so nostalgic.
Shaman King English y i was woundering y i was thinking of this oping but i did not know y now i know the fest one stay in your mind the next one fade in time so long ago i steel was woundering y im thinking of this oping
4Kids has done some awful things to anime in the past, but Shaman King and Ultimate Muscle (which were airing at the same time) are probably the best things they’ve done. The English opening to Shaman King does a fine job of meshing Japanese and Native American elements, and crafting them into a great, ear-pleasing theme (much the same way that the show meshes similar elements). The Japanese theme, meanwhile, just seems a bit bland by comparison.
nah!! evrything that comes from 4kids is so fucking sick!!! i hate 4kids i like japaneese and latin spanish openings didnt like english D:
I pick the English opening because it makes you actually want to watch Shaman King. The Japanese opening is cool but its just not as interesting as the English opening. If it wasn’t for the English opening I wouldn’t had watched Shaman King really.
I just wish it was longer…
P.S you tube should really add an edit button to comments.
I love the english opening, Shaman King dub will always be one of my most favourite anime’s ever! so yes English gets my vote here.
Well if you compare the two by the meaning of the song then the Japanese version wins in my opinion. If you look up the English lyrics for the Japanese song then you would see that it has more to do with the actual series. For example the two Japanese openings are to describe Yoh the Main character, while the two Japanese endings are of Anna.
@sonic19951 yeah but back then it wasnt it was the kickass foxbox
I cant decide….. ._. there both actually pretty damn good.
this one is hard for me to pick i think it might be a tie for me
Shaman King’s opening is one of the very few, if not the only, anime openings where the English dub beats the original.
The Japanese opening is good, but the English opening is just awesome.
Best English anime opening ever.
I say the English version is better
Hmm I think the english song was better but not the op
only anime where the eng version is better than jap
Out of all the english openings I have heard of any anime dubbed I always liked this one the best it really kick ass
i remember wactching this on the fox box every saturday morning, of cource now its
and heck yea, its english dub was great! heck yea its opening beats the japenese one
only thing i will say is this: they maybe shoulda extended the opening and showed some of those scenes that the japenese one showed more
Both are Epic!!!
It is a close call. Both are very good. I grew up with the Japanese and I have to admit, the English is very good as well.