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“Strike the Slate” by Shaman’s Harvest, from their new album Shine. One of the best songs I’ve heard in a long time!!

25 Responses to Shaman’s Harvest – Strike the Slate

  • Emehms says:

    @kat49242 Glad I could point out some new music for you. I hope you enjoy their earlier albums as much as I do.

  • nekronuke says:

    This music is currently making love to my eardrums 😀

  • 88nascarracer says:

    @MusicFanaticable SAME HERE!!!!!

  • bobguy14 says:

    the drummer is my brother…im not lying

  • paintedblack09 says:

    @TragikTornSoul I think he might’ve been saying “been feeding the fire for so long”. I could be wrong though. i’m tired. lol.

  • paintedblack09 says:

    I can’t find the full lyrics anywhere. anyone got any ideas?

  • dahmer09 says:

    Hell fuckin yeah. I could tell by their song Dragonfly, that it wasn’t their only good one. i have a new band to listen to

  • hooiskellie says:

    this song and this band are both awesome. shine is the only album of theirs that i have heard, and i love every song on it…this one being my favorite!

  • hunter55764 says:

    this is an awesome band

  • kat49242 says:

    @Emehms Thanks for the tip on the older albums. I’ll be putting them on my Amazon Wish List. 😀 I just heard Dragonfly on the radio in the car the other day, googled Shaman’s Harvest & found a “new” They have some of the best vocals, harmonies. SOUND that ever I’ve heard. Just boggles my mind that I’ve not heard more from them before.

  • TheBlackRKO4Ever says:

    Love Nathans Voice…

  • maryspire says:

    These guys rock!!! My favorite band out there right now. I have all three of their cds downloaded. Saw them live in Peoria IL. June 18th. They put on an awesome show.

  • Bobby59kats says:

    I’ve only heard a few of this band’s songs so far.
    Dragonfly, pretty heavy.
    Devil’s Gift, country sounding.
    Turn it Up, more mainstream sounding.
    And Strike the Slate, which sounds kind of grungy.

    I guess some bands can’t make up their minds. I dig these guys, and thanks for the upload!

  • moneyfrompostcards says:

    this song rocks…..enough said…LOVE dragonfly too!!!!!!!

  • danny414137 says:


  • guthirin says:

    best song EVER!

  • Emehms says:

    @DethmetalUSA man you gotta listen to their older stuff. First two albums “Last Call for Goose Creek” and “Synergy” are epic. Both cds are so good. I grew up listening to these guys. They are from my home town. About the only good thing to come from mid missouri

  • RKOnumber1fan says:

    @Aggie2012sc like a ship, you know, a fairy? the ship that carry ppl? no? ok nvm

  • jaykbigjayk says:

    @33TheHitman33 Kill those imo puppets!!! SH kicks ass! Amazing vocals.
    @willyt1212 Fuckbeibergoddamnit!

  • Aggie2012sc says:

    …you know my dreams they have, FAIRED the fire for so long…. ?

  • DethmetalUSA says:

    my top 5 favorite shaman’s harvest songs (so far):

    1. Dragonfly
    2. Strike the slate
    3. The offering
    4. Broken dreams
    5. drawn by the sirens

  • unbourne666 says:

    @33TheHitman33 I don’t hear the AIC connection. Sure Their vocals harmonize but lots of bands do that. Whatever, This band kicks ass. Kill those emo puppets Indeed

  • willyt1212 says:

    @33TheHitman33 just a question for you… would you rather grunge to come back or for every band to follow like beiber and kesha??

  • 33TheHitman33 says:

    Do they not sound like AiC from the 90’s? Makes you feel as if grunge is coming back. Sigh… only if. Oh well, keep on SH. Kill those emo puppets.

  • Idkghghg says:

    Okay, you have to try this. Open this page in another tab. Start the the song (in the new tab) right when the old one goes to the chorus. It’s AMAZING. It’s like it was mean to be heard like’s like the the refrain is being sung as an echo in the back ground.

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