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In ‘SHAMAN’S WISDOM’ Tony Samara describes his path, which brought him to discover the traditions of Huachuma shamanism. The shaman’s world is one of harmony and oneness and it is based on the clear laws of nature in the material and energetic dimensions. Tony Samara, born in 1965 of diverse cultural backgrounds, has been chosen to tell us about this world and its possibilities for deep healing. ‘SHAMAN’S WISDOM’ contains previously unpublished wisdom as practiced by a group of people whose history goes back 5000 years. This philosophy encompasses all aspects of life from child rearing, relationships, physical/emotional well-being and how this can be a wonderful tool to understand the rhythms of nature and feel the oneness of all and then understanding how we are part of a greater creation than just ourselves. In practice and philosophically ‘SHAMAN’S WISDOM’ clarifies the questions about the mysteries that have been asked throughout the ages in a simple yet profound way that engages the reader to the betterment of the self thus helping the betterment of humanity. · Practical energy exercises are provided to help the body to adjust physically, emotionally and spiritually to the cycles of nature. · Discover a diet that reinforce the necessary qualities for optimum growth and harmonious levels of consciousness · Gather an understanding that freedom is based on fitting into a Cosmos where all is One and where the One carries an expression of all. ” Thank you for your
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Date: 16th March 2010 Host: George Noory Guests: Norio Hayakawa & Sandra Ingerman Unorthodox ufologist Norio Hayakawa presented his views and research on UFOs, clandestine government activities, and the mysterious Dulce, New Mexico area, rumored to house an underground base. The state of New Mexico itself has been a hotbed of paranormal and UFO activity going back to 1947, he reported. Starting with the Roswell Incident, “the year 1947 was the beginning of a conditioning of belief systems…carefully orchestrated for future events,” he commented. He believes the Roswell crash was staged “by an unknown intelligence” in collusion with an elite part of the US government. UFOs are neither flying nor objects, but rather part of an intelligence that co-exists with us and has the ability to materialize, he explained. Hayakawa was one of the first to bring Project Bluebeam to public attention in his 1995 documentary video Secrets of Dreamland, which suggested that a covert government would have sufficient technology to artificially simulate a UFO threat in order to bring about a forced global unity. Regarding Dulce, he has not found direct physical evidence for an underground base there, yet, there have been many strange reports and sightings in the area which encompasses the Jicarilla Apache Reservation. “I think there’s a reality on another level that we may not be able to see with our physical eyes” and a base could exist at Dulce in a non-physical realm, he shared. Shamanic
Video Rating: 5 / 5

6 Responses to ‘Shaman’s Wisdom’ by Tony Samara

  • 1236bigcat says:

    I spiritually may be stuck on ‘totem animals’ … good at that 😉
    I’ve probably never had much of a healing touch, except for nature and myself. As a fishing guide for years, I know about cycles, they are everywhere, as they are in humanity.
    This IS the dawning of a new age, and a passing of the old, for the better or worse, it’s up to us each and all. Thanks for the beautiful video.

  • VonBraun87545 says:

    He is a passive disinformationist.

  • DALKINION says:

    don’t give up your day job Norio

  • DALKINION says:

    shadow government doesn’t do office

  • MrDuffy81 says:

    How does this guy think that theshadow governent” recruits new members?
    Do they get approached once in office, or do you think maybe they are recruited by the secret societies like skull and bones, lock and key, freemasonry, and the jesuit knights, to be assured a successful career in politics?

  • MrDuffy81 says:

    This guy has had some weird professions! A japanese spanish teacher?!

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