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Chapel from February 8, 2010. “How can we be ‘sexual’ without being sexually active?” By learning to embrace our role as a sexual Christian. John 10:10
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Bringing up a factual truth nobody seems to see. We create Belief in God with our brains understanding the world via our 5 senses. Sounds, smells, sexual touch, visuals & taste of sacraments were sacred creating organized religious beliefs in Egypt over 5000 years ago. Neurologists today know they originated in the Limbic system, not the heart as the ancients believed.

19 Responses to Shannon Ethridge: Sacred Sex: Embracing Your Role as a Sexual Christian

  • marlarice says:

    Can’t wait to listen to her. Thanks so much for uploading. I have her workbook, “Every Single Womans Battle”.

  • Belatheos says:

    We need more people like you!

  • magicalmisstery says:

    I raised my son without indoctrination in any organized religion, and he is so well adjusted!! I read books to him about ancient Egypt and Greece. He is in the top 15 students in his class of around 800sophomores. My mom was so worried I was rasing him without God or Jesus and that he was not baptized and may go to hell. Now my parents are on our side!!

  • calpurnpiso says:

    Thank you friend, you made my day but the only thing I’ve done is presenting one indisputable truth that is never suggested by brilliant men like Dawkins, De Grasse, other scientists. It is right in front of ALL of us
    We created mind-God with the brain I just connect the dots

    We are born lacking belief aka atheist & if we become highly educated obtaining science degrees still believe in God fairy tales, there is a neurological malfunction not much different that schizophrenia.

  • magicalmisstery says:

    Calpurniso – you are the modern day Plato, Paine, and Enstein all in one!! Do you appear in public for workshops or seminars? I know many who would really enjoy meeting you and hearing you live.

  • calpurnpiso says:

    “humm,, lets see he had to have sex with his mother then. Incest would be the only way for this to happen.”

    The Catholic Church creators of Christianity in 325 ce, solved this problem in one of their COUNCILS. So, Cain married women that “god” had previously created. Read the Book of Enoch…when Angels copulated with earth women creating Giants..LOL

    Protestants are so dumb Catholics are too smart for them. The Church FORBID the reading of the Bible for obvious reasons.

  • usermichael8077 says:

    The Bible makes absolutely no sense at all,
    according to the bible adam and eve had two sons, which cane killed his brother. then it talks about canes children. now,, humm,, lets see he had to have sex with his mother then. Incest would be the only way for this to happen.
    You would think that they could have come up with a better fairy-tale than that sounds like a porn story to me.

  • calpurnpiso says:


    “From one human being to another, I love you.”

    This compilation of miniature universes inside my cranium that produces, via electromagnetism, thought…loves you too.

    Amor omnia vincit. Love conquers all..but in a mentally healthy, aka atheist, brain it should read: Amor omnia ist: Love is all

    Since DNA composes all life on earth, we must LOVE all Life forms understanding them in order to live in harmony & balance if we are to survive

    I love you too with my brain friend.

  • spleenblender says:

    From one human being to another, I love you.

  • alittlebitofperil says:

    You are so right – its more fun to think that maybe there is some sublime power out there. Watching the amazing nature programs we have here in the UK made by the BBC, the total mind boggling beauty of it all – does not make me think some dude in the sky made it, but quite the opposite. The more intricate the world, the less likely to me that ther emust be some omniscient thing designing it. Just seems a ridiculous idea!

  • cozmikzen says:

    Excellente’ !

  • calpurnpiso says:

    “human nature to want to explain away why we are here ”

    Yes but not in a complicated scientific way. Down to earth realities do not trigger dopamine however delusions, fairy tales & fantasies of religious beliefs do

    It is easier & more fun to believe in fantastic entities as creators than doing scientific research requiring many hours of study. This causes PAIN in the brain.
    It is much easier to say God Did it & leave it at that. The reason 82% of Americans believe in God

  • alittlebitofperil says:

    Yes, it is tragic. It is SO frustrating though because it seems that the majority is retarded. My own mother is on a ‘Lent’ course with her church (we are in the UK, so its very ‘mild’ Church of england stuff), but she absolutely HATES my questioning her faith and thinks she’s got it right.
    I think though, that it seems to be human nature to want to explain away why we are here – people don’t like the ‘sterile’ scientific versions – they want a romantic fairytale…

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Yup, & I video this retarded deluded old man for another video. These christ-psychotics retards are the cause of all of our problems..and it is disgusting neurologists do NOT expose them as crazy people stuck in the Middle Ages. They have cause extreme pain to humanity constantly MOLESTING the minds of children inducing intellectual stagnation with their deluded schizophrenic fantasies.

    What’s wrong with neurologists today?Believers ought to be committed this is the 21st C

  • alittlebitofperil says:

    The latest this morning is that the Pope is travelling africa (particularly those badly affected by AIDS), telling them the only way to stop aids is to be abstinent and that condoms are still evil. You would think that they were pro life – but instead they are spreading death by ignorance. Not only that but a NINE year old girl who had her twins aborted (for her own safety) and the doctors who did it were excommunicated – and yet the man who impregnated her was NOT… FUCKED UP.

  • calpurnpiso says:

    valleyshrew :”Good to see no sound problems here”

    See? I took your advise & kept in mind the sound in my video clips.

    “I went to catholic school and church up until 16”

    I got you beat,I took the full psychotic conditioning in the50’s. Catholic country,Catholic family,elementary school of nuns Christian Brothers High School & I SURVIVED.What doesn’t kill me strengthens me. I love it because now I KNOW the nature of this neurological anomaly faith in God produced by retarded deluded sick brains

  • valleyshrew says:

    Good to see no sound problems here! I’ve read a lot for years about religion from atheist perspectives such that most of the time I’ve heard it all before, but you give lots of interesting new bits of info. I went to catholic school and church up until 16 and it’s amazing looking back how utterly ridiculous and cultish most of the traditions were.

  • VloggerX says:

    Hey cal. Love your videos. But I have an idea. Why not do a video on how religion is a form a child abuse for a change?

  • FatalAnimal says:

    Another superb video!! Thanks =)

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