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Shapeshifter Tarot

A pleasure to behold! Hunt has imbued this deck with a tangible energy. Her images of humans discovering the power of the animal world evoke emotions ranging the spectrum from loneliness to joy. The expressiveness of the illustrations makes this one of the most powerful decks commercially available, well suited for use in spellcraft. Conway and Knight pool their considerable talents in the companion book, giving their lucid and vivid interpretations of the cards’ literal and figurative meanings. The cards and book work together as a synergistic whole, a testament to the prowess of the authors and the illustrator. The Shapeshifter Tarot is analogous to the traditional tarot, save for the addition of three cards, “The Double,” “The Journey,”

Rating: (out of 28 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 34.95

Price: CDN$ 21.90

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5 Responses to Shapeshifter Tarot

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Shapeshifter Tarot
    I am a very major fan of Ms Conway’s work. Her insights and writings have inspired me for years. The art work & visions are superb BUT the companion book has a landmine. Constantly I am told how important it is to balance the male & female energy in EVERYTHING. Those of us on the Goddess path will simply have to do extra work to find our way.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Shapeshifter Tarot
    Goes to show you that you must be able to see a deck for yourself before buying…Based on the (mostly) positive reviews I found for this deck, I bought it. I found that I was one of the minority of people who didn’t like this deck. I honestly think it’s a very average deck; the cards are nothing special. In fact, the best card of all is the one on the cover! Some of the other cards look so similar in appearance that I keep confusing them!
    All in all, I don’t really like this deck, but as I said, YOU CAN’T GO BY REVIEWS! If you can look at a friend’s copy, then you can see for yourself if YOU like it! There’s no accounting for taste!

  • Cannibal Kitten says:

    Review by Cannibal Kitten for Shapeshifter Tarot
    The artwork of this deck is beautiful, no doubt. There are some differences between these cards and the tradition ones. First, there are no reversed meanings. Second, there are three extra cards in the deck that play into the shapeshifting aspect. If you’re looking for something a little different and want a deck that caters to mental growth and energy, I highly recommend this.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Shapeshifter Tarot
    This is a deck that seems to get mixed reviews. It strays a bit from ‘traditional’, adding a few additional Major Arcana cards. Also, this deck likes to be considered somewhat shamanistic, but the true shaman would know better.. That aside, if you are driven more by what speaks to you, as opposed to reviews.. this may be worth checking out. The art is truly breathtaking… and HIGHLY intuitive.. for that alone, it would be worth buying.. Also, if you like animals, they are plenty (hence the title “Shapeshifter”).. I am a true beleiver in purchasing what feels right to YOU, so always use reviews as a guide, not a bible.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Shapeshifter Tarot
    This deck was amazing! The artwork was beautiful and creative. This is the most acurate deck I have ever had!

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