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wearing all black happened when her mother refused to buy her a black velvet dress when she was in first grade.
Over the years and due to what she humorously calls “her children’s need to eat,” Kenyon has worked a variety of jobs: D.J., photographer (her publishing credits include the Washington Post), store clerk, cook, baker, dollmaker, painter, camerawoman, freelance journalist, janitor, waitress, teacher, ditch-digger, psychic, web designer, programmer, and bookseller.

Kenyon is married and has three sons. The family lives outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with a menagerie of pets that include dogs, cats, fish, chickens, rabbits and reptiles..


As Sherrilyn Kenyon

The League Series

“Born of the Night,” (Pinnacle, 1996) (ISBN 0-78600-222-0)

“Born of Fire,” (ebook Dreams Unlimited, 1997) (ISBN 1-89252-004-4)

“Paradise City,” (Love Spell, 1994) (ISBN 0-50551-969-0)

“Fire & Ice,” in the anthology “Man of My Dreams” (Jove, 2004) (ISBN 0-51513-793-6)

Dark-Hunter series

The Dark-Hunters are immortal warriors pledged to the Greek goddess Artemis and dedicated to defending mankind against Daimons (vampires) and other assorted enemies: including a couple of rogue gods and goddesses.

Fantasy Lover, (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2002) (ISBN 0-31297-997-5)

“The Beginning” , also in the back of Sins of the Night early print editions (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2002)

“Dragonswan”, in the anthology Tapestry, published by Jove (2002, ISBN 0-51513-362-0) and reprinted singly by Berkley (2005, ISBN 0-51514-079-1)

Night Pleasures, (St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2002) (ISBN 0-31297-998-3)

Amanda Devereaux has a crazy family. Her mother and older siblings are

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