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Question by Caesar1225: Should nursing practice formally encompass the metaphysical? Spiritual?
Doing a study, please help out

Best answer:

Answer by stephray24
no but nursing students can have the choice of minoring in something like that already

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2 Responses to Should nursing practice formally encompass the metaphysical? Spiritual?

  • david l says:

    Nursing is about the promotion of healing. This is traditionally restricted to the actual job description of providing physical care and administering prescribed treatments, but a broader definition should include lifestyle education, for instance a discussion with the patient about diet and addiction.

    How many health problems are about diet? Most of them, I suspect. We are all addicted to sugar, but refuse to talk about it. The high glycemic diets we consume in turn consume us. Most of us leave that talk to the nutritionists, but it deserves our attention.

    While morale is another factor that improves patient outcomes, that can be addressed through comfort and enhcouragement. When we get into spirituality and metaphysics we are moving beyond nursing science and into the area of personal beliefs. That would be like electing a fundamentalist President, and letting him run our country the way he imagines God wants.

    Did that work? I think we would see the same results in nursing. We should stick to our job, which is to keep them comfortable while their bodies respond to treatment.

  • gillianprowe says:

    Yes I believe it should. Reason my Mother was a Geriatric Nurse and many in her care died. Part of Mother Nursing Duty was to clean and lay out the body. I will simply state she has seen more strange and odd events than most people, some she refuses to talk about, other she will say if push comes to shove, but as she is getting older, nearing death, she is no longer willing to talk about her experiences.
    I often feel sorry for the Nurses today, because at some point they will have to be dead patients and if strange events happen, would they be prepared? Best of Luck

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