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Should you have sex on the first date? – First Date Ideas

Unless you have religious or other strong personal convictions that prevent it, sex is part of most romantic relationships. However we’re not going to get into any of that here – all we’re concerned with is whether it’s a good idea or not to sleep with somebody on the first, or even second date.

And unless sex is all you want from your date, the answer is a resounding no! In fact, we think it’s a very bad idea even to talk about it on the first date, let alone hint that you might quite like it.

So stay vertical, keep your pants on and concentrate on getting to know each other first.

The promise of sex sometime in the future is part of your mystery and allure, and is therefore extremely valuable for keeping your potential true love on the hook in the early stages. If you’re a girl, never forget that men are hunters and anticipation is all part of the thrill. So be sexy without being too obvious, slutty or acting like a sleazy player. Just smolder away quietly, hinting wordlessly of the passionate storm to come.

Also never talk about your exes. Nothing good can ever come of it. You don’t want your sexual history to become an issue this early on.

If your date pressures you in any way for sex, don’t see them again. There’s no excuse for that kind of behavior. Likewise a kiss does not mean sex is next on the menu. And is a kiss OK? Yes but

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