Shuffling, Cutting and Dealing the Tarot Cards
Video Rating: 4 / 5
The song “What Have You Done” made me think of the doomed lovers Calic and Isobel from the first volume of the manga “Godchild.” Too bad there’s no anime of The Tarot Cafe, so I took photos from the book and used them to make this video. Manga: The Tarot Cafe, volume 1; Episode 2: Everlasting Beauty Author: Sang Sun Park Song: What Have You Done Artist: Within Temptation Video by: Jo, aka Kysentha COMMENT AND RATE, PLEASE!!!!!!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Papa Don! Make more videos for beginners please. I just started with the deck you have. The Rider Tarot Deck. And I just wanna start to be able to get use to the. I have kinda small hands so when I shuffle it gets kinda sloppy. Lol. But do you know just everyday quick easy readings? Like say a friend comes up for advice. How do I do that? Just shuffle the deck and pull out a card?? Lol
Thanks, Ashen
Wonderful lessons I just bought Tarot cards so I wanted to know how to do all that, thanks.
Don S.
I’m a beginner, but it matters that cards come out upside down correct? Like, the card itself has the opposite meaning/effect is its upside down.
@nodntap Thanks for clearing that up. I bought my first set of cards yesterday for no apparant reason. I just saw them in the shop and had to take them home, I have never had a reading done or anything like that so it was quite weird, I’ve hardly had them out of my hands since and I cant even read them !
That just depends on the persons own style. The left hand thing is just another myth about the tarot purported by some old timer tarot ‘authorities’. I’m right handed so it’s more comfortable for me to cut right handed.
It’s all in the intent!
Don S.
I’m just a beginner but I heard you should always cut the deck with your left hand ?
Thank you for your expertise Don
Depends on how you are holding your cards to begin with. If held properly in your hand – basically upside down – then the cards won’t come up reversed. Otherwise they will.
Don S.
Thank you for posting this informative (& funny) video.
One question: I flip my cards as I deal them. Will that cause a reverse reading? Or will the forces compensate for my different style?
I’m giving tarot cards away free!
Please see my channel.
thanks for this helped a fair bit, very imformantive
Thanks (: helped alot (: love the jokes! lol
Very Good! Very informative yet interesting and offers a plethora of info. Wonderful job and little jokes here and there! Kudos!
great! Thanks!! very useful and clear, also very open minded! I love your style!
This was very helpful – exactly what I was looking for! The video is shot from a really useful perspective, and you were so thorough and open-minded about all the different options.
Thank you so much for doing such a wonderful job with this!
You did a splended job nodntap of explaining and showing the shuffling and choosing the cards technique in your video
You may find it more easier to just pick out the cards by hand instead of shuffling hand over hand and using the top cards depending on the spread your going to use as a layout.The reason I say this is because, it is astronomical to try and get the exact cards you need to divine in answering a question as you have the same odds more or less of trying to match the exact same lottery numbers to win a jackpot.Choosing the cards provides the personal aspect as well as the intuitive element.
Only if you think it’s necessary – or want too. If you do read them then you have to decide how and in what sequence, before the formal reading, after the reading – and son on.
I simply ignore them – or start the process over since jumping, popping, falling cards weren’t my intent and usually come with bad card handling skills.
Poppa Don
should i pay attention to the cards that fall from the pack when shuffling?
You have such a soothing voice and you made this so clear, I have the Gilded Tarot and the artwork is so pretty
And some people cringe at any crack in a book’s spine, while others bend the spine until the book is folded in half and read that way. It’s all a matter of what you like
Thank you so much for this! It had never really bothered me as I didn’t play cards much- when I tried to shuffle cards someone would snatch the cards out of my hands saying that I was damaging them and not doing a good job at actually shuffling. As I said, this wasn’t a problem until I picked up Tarot.
I don’t riffle because I believe my cards are going to get beat up enough as is (plus my hands are clumsy), but the over hand mixed with the slide gets the job done.
So again, thank you!
so very true man!
lol i like you. your funny instead of saying stomach you say tummy good times also i like it when you say “blow up your tutut” one last thing i bought the one that you shuffle earlier…i have no clue how to use them