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place where I met the great master, wise man Altai Chi. He explained me how to help people without operations and medicines. But it was not sufficient to heal people from their bodily illnesses. People needed also to change their life-style. They had to change their food, respiration, activity, thoughts and emotions. The great master told me that I needed to teach people, who would in turn teach more other people.

The meeting with the Shaman Altai Chi changed my life. I got free from many chronic illnesses that had tormented me. He opened my super-abilities with which I have had the chance to help many people, giving them relaxation, health, success in their personal matters and in business, harmony in relationships and happiness. Altai Chi has helped me to find the supreme happiness and good fortune.

Interviewer: Altai Chi seems to be very interesting person, how is he?

Shaman: I can tell you only a little about him, because his mind is on very much higher level than mine. According to esoteric laws, a man with a less developed mind should not talk about higher man, who has more developed mind. Great master lives in a sacred place in forest in Altaian Mountains in Siberia and he travels constantly. There are very high mountains and continuous forests with strong trees and with many rivers, where the water is so clear that it is possible to drink it.

His favorite place is one cave covered by rock, behind bushes and many trees. The entrance has a small hole, where your body can enter easily. Then there is one angle, then the second and after the third angle the cave opens. There are magnificent estalagmias. Ceiling of the cave is incredibly dry and in distant corner there is

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