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It’s been three hundred years since people in the remote land of Khakassia in Siberia adopted Christianity, but they still cling to many pagan traditions. Their ancient culture still believes in the mysterious healing powers of shamans.
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25 Responses to Siberian shamans: ancient magic in the modern world

  • newworldboss says:

    I am Russian and i know that these people get their “powers” from satan. the one true God is the God of the Bible! and he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in should not perish, but have everlasting life…

  • BogMonkey53 says:

    Are they Koryaks?

  • browndemon386 says:

    Shaman,Druids are priests of nature!!

  • c0y0tx says:

    @ChilloutSessionZ They Like Rum,sometimes Vodka and most Certainly Love Cigars…………………………did it ever occur to you that those Tools are symbolical?. those things are for us to get connected they are steps in a series of necessary psychological steps to unveil the Labyrinth that opens the connection to the Higher Knowledge.

  • twicher7 says:

    @ChilloutSessionZ Talking to ingnorant retard like u, is like talking to a goat.
    What kinda spirits told men to write bible?
    the only bible i know is Tanach That God Told Moses to write.

  • ChilloutSessionZ says:

    @twicher7 hey assmunch how do you know that god is even real? You gonna believe a book written by a bunch of weirdos who say spirits told them to write those stories down in that little old book. Yes 70 percent of your shit bible was written by men who said spirits told them what to write. Brainwashed fuck.

  • twicher7 says:

    @ChilloutSessionZ their not god’s they demons
    There is only One God and not gods

  • ChilloutSessionZ says:

    Didnt know the gods liked vodka!

  • 129815 says:

    thats a little different from Miao shaman rituals

  • vachespagnole says:

    The spirits are in the mushroom, are of the mushroom, just as you have a spirit, and an animal has a spirit. It is the mushroom’s spirit, whether or not shamans or religions admit it or not, we know this to be the case. There are no disembodies spirits, all spirits have a home, and they are all a part of the earth we inhabit. The Santa Mushroom may call on you to communicate the words of ‘God’. That’s life.

  • coracleman says:

    great video. Thank you!

  • AZER1FIGHTER says:

    i believe in kök tengri, uly kök tengri kut bersin ve türüktü qorgasyn, men turkistanimdi sagindim !!

    esen bolsyn jigittere

  • trolltrumman says:

    its not a religion either acctually

  • NewHopRecords says:

    a shaman would not say fuck you

  • TorDruid says:

    plant more trees save the world.

  • juliethepussycat says:

    It`s religion!SHAMANISM
    And I`m shamanist so fuck u

  • Fatuosa says:

    Arguing and name calling is so childish. To those who are genuinely informative, thank you!

  • ayanuhito says:

    you’re alright. go on, go on. celts were the people who originally lived in the Ural regions. i think they shared much with the neighbours. Ireland was the last resort for them by accidents.

  • mavikilen says:


  • reagestme says:

    o Godd u a big idiot loool. Shamanism is not a religion! and it was ever befor ….
    u are crazy big idiot.

  • JaanFromEstonia says:

    Do not be ridiculous! First, shamanism is not a religion. Secondly, it is quite different from Celtic beliefs.

  • mavikilen says:


  • ayanuhito says:

    is it?

  • mavikilen says:

    the religion of shamanism was introduced by celts to central asia. The celts are the actual owners of that religion.

  • ayanuhito says:

    shaman is a person who heal people by acting unusually. i think the modern jewish psychology can prove its effects. also it’s the ancient wisdom before the science had developed. so i can understand why the Soviet didn’t ban it. because they love science.

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