Simple Tips For Marketing And Selling Your Self Published Books
It’s one thing to write a book, but an entirely different thing to write one that’s saleable, viable, and marketable. Whether you’ve just published a book or have a book that isn’t selling, now is the time to get to it; start marketing today! Your book selling, book marketing, and book promotion planning should begin before the manuscript is completed.
Make sure your press release spells out the ‘who, what, where, when, and why.’ Using press releases can be a very effective marketing tool if used properly. Using press releases for marketing or promoting your book or book’s website has become increasingly popular as publishers discover the powerful benefits of using press releases.
Mail a press release to at least 1000 print and broadcast contacts just prior to publishing your title and again and again after you publish; you can never send too many. Mail a press release to all the trade journals in your field over and over again; you can use the same release. Send out at least 10 press releases to the print and broadcast media in your area every month.
Invest in press release submitting software and set aside time every week to send out a press release online to the press directories. Make sure you have at least one good press release, written in AP style that you can send out for the lifetime of your book.
Submit articles to online article directories that focus on your book’s topic to drive customers to your website. It’s important to publish a website that focuses on your title; you’ll be able to refer editors and customers and all interested parties to your book information with the click of a mouse. Get as many testimonials about your book, as possible,