Black Magic by Slayer from the ‘live’ album Live Undead. (1985) Track 01 Lyrics: Cursed Black magic night We’ve been struck down Down in this Hell Spells surround me day and night Stricken by the force of evil light The force of evil light Cast Under his spell Blinding my eyes Twisting my mind Fight to resist the evil inside Captive of a force of Satan’s might A force of Satan’s might Fighting the curse Break it I must Laughing in sorrow Crying in lust My strength slips away Soon I must fall Victim of fortune My sources grow small Life slips away As demons come forth Death takes my hand And captures my soul
My All Time Favorite Slayer song
@evalroach666 was? He IS cool enough to be in Slayer but Slayer is afraid of him.
@Dt0x75 kinda like if chuck norris was cool enough to be in a band it would be slayer! m/
Let the evil take the lives of all that is god. Black magic forever dont forget (show no mercey)!
those are the sounds i make at night for no reason
@jbaGGsDareLL Try 25000
@T3STAM3NT11 every slayer song is the best song slayer ever made!
And now i’ll pull a Rabbit out of my hat…a DEAD rabbit! Mwhahaha. SLAYER!
@rickhorror Yes sir!.
Slayer makes me question my atheism….one hit of acid + slayer = understanding
This musixc took me as a youth and transformed me ….I might be old but the the evil still flows when i hear it…EPIC
my freinds dont see the truth that slayer kicks metallicas ass
I think its the best Song that slayer ever made
I think its the best Song that slayer ever made
I think its the best Song that slayer ever made!!!
I think its the best Song that slayer ever made!!!^^
i fucking love the beginning riff
Hail slayer
@MegaTC77 I think all songs on the “Show No Mercy” Record are standart tune
@MegaTC77 yes thats what i said…E tuning, like the original
@ThazuaBlackarrow Know that one brah….
@METALOldschool123 Why would you say something like that? Tom’s a Catholic that means he BELIEVES IN GOD
@SitotiKurton Because Show No Mercy is the best Slayer album, but no one wants you to know that.
cut off the hail satan part bro
fucking great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
E tuning???? Its fine the way it is…..1/2 step down. Very well made Live album. Far more superior than Decade of Aggression.