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Episode 4 Slayers Try (Season 3) About This Episode (Source: Episode 55: Where’d That Arrogant Guy Go? Lina and the gang starts to put off on going to the Fire Dragon King temple, and decide to check out the current city they are in. Needless to say, Lina and Gourry are checking out the food; Zelgadis is wandering around looking at old temples for a possible cure, causing some ruckess with locals; and Amelia loves the view, so she decides to go up to the highest point of the city, drawing a crowd bellow her. After casting a few spells, Zelgadis is labelled as a demon (his looks and spells) and Amelia is labelled as an angel, when curing someone. Filia is upset at this, and tells them that this part of the word could only do simple spells. Suddenly Filia senses evil, and Lina swears she seen Xellos. Yes. It was him. Lina thinks this whole prophecy thing might be connected with the monster race. When finally heading out of the city, Lina and the gang are attacked by someone named Valgaav, someone who served under Gaav. He starts to pick a fight with them.

A pretty simple walkthrough on how to make spells. Make sure you’re ready to hunt for items! (Or…I guess, just use the console; but whatever.)
Video Rating: 5 / 5

39 Responses to Slayers Try Episode 3 (55) Part 3/3

  • TheWizardofodd12 says:

    YOU MUST DIE!!! D:

  • kickkcik says:

    did midad say ready to lighten your load? BUT FILLER?

  • zarteen says:


    Guards have long swords. He messed up because he needed a short sword.

  • Teamudf says:

    Erm…there are a ton of mods I use. It’d be kind of a pain to list all of them, so check out my Xmas Mod Showcase videos for some of my recommended ones. Those pretty much cover my favorites in addition to the ones I’ve played on Youtube.

  • flightofstitch says:

    hi um, im new to mods and i like the look of the mods u got appart from the interface, i alredyt got that… please either send me the links or the name of the mods in a private message… thanks

  • ztas2 says:

    had to go to lewiyn just to mess up and you just could have murdered one retarded guard

  • Usurpationblitz says:


    Alright then, thanks.

  • iAudioWarrior says:

    Ha! I did the exact same thing you did when making blade missle 😛

  • iAudioWarrior says:

    @Usurpationblitz yeah its midas magic companions I think

  • Usurpationblitz says:

    What the hell? I never got any companions when I was doing this. I did all the word puzzles, and ever got anyone to join my team. Is it a different add on for Midas magic?

  • NewWorldSinner says:

    “Want to lighten your load, but fill up your purse?” Was probably what he was going to say.

  • Thevampman24 says:

    @Teamudf No problem I know after awhile you start to forget what’s a mod and what isn’t and yes i am citeing the tome of unlife from Ner zitar tower.

  • Teamudf says:

    Ah, thanks. I couldn’t remember what the heck it was, haha.

  • Thevampman24 says:

    shadowbanish wine is a rare item that gives you 300 secs of night eye in vinnala oblivion there’s 14 or 16 bottles i think.

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