This is just a quick clip I used to test Trapcode’s Particular plug-in for After Effects. Yes, there is a watermark on the video, but I’m only using the demo version so that’s unavoidable.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
This is just a quick clip I used to test Trapcode’s Particular plug-in for After Effects. Yes, there is a watermark on the video, but I’m only using the demo version so that’s unavoidable.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Adobe After Effects + Trapcode’s Particular Plug-In
that’s so cool!
what program do you use to get that affect?
How do you make this effects ?
Can you tell me, ¿ what is the program ?
i hope to get your answer !
Thanks man !
you can comment in my space on youtube
greetings bye