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Question by 2nd In Command to David: so what are these “feelings” that Mormons, JW’s, pagans get that make them believe what they do?
Like the JW’s and the Mormons will tell you that the “holy spirit” told them it was true. And the pagans believe what they believe because it “feels” right.

So what are these feelings that they are feeling to make them believe they’re right?

Best answer:

Answer by Me me me
according to your believe Jesus is his own father …he is God Almighty and Son of God almighty at the same time and Because Jehovah ‘ s witnesses told you that Jesus is not the God almighty…but the first heavenly son of the almighty

And according to that ….you say JWs are false but you are the truth….

Add your own answer in the comments!

12 Responses to so what are these “feelings” that Mormons, JW’s, pagans get that make them believe what they do?

  • Fireball says:

    some of them might be born again…pagans dk about being saved.

  • A Man of the Nations says:

    Mormons get their pangs from Joe Smith.

  • crazy nurse says:

    I respect their right to believe what they want, but feel much of it
    is bogus. I have my own convictions.

  • Kjelstad 3.0 says:

    They have feeling pretty close to yours I would guess, though I have never met a Mormon, JW or Pagan as crazy as you. Ever.

  • Michelle R says:

    Perhaps not unlike the feeling one gets when falling in love with someone. That all takes place in the head too, and is not necessarily based on reality.

  • ludwig says:

    stick to that as the a priori BELIEF

  • Nolan Void says:

    feelings and sounds of instruction and advice are overrated and can be duplicted by nature, self or satan. so anybody relying on feelings are likely to buy ocean front property in Nebraska.
    The Bible is pretty much all you need, but silence and non feelings work better for me, that way I can decide for myself and take the results….which is God’s design all along

  • ralph l says:

    as an atheist, i actually believe the pagans had it right the whole time. why not worship now and everything.

    its simplicity is what really amazes me.

  • Mr. Pregunta says:

    mormons get a burning in their bosom.

  • witnessofJesus says:

    let me list the things that christians say is a spirit feeling.
    wonderful joy
    peace in the mind, beyond describption
    of the earth which is elemental, and pharmecutical

    read the bible these things are listed there

    now for mormons, it can be all these things
    or a telepathic “presence of the holy spirit” see the book a marvelous work and wonder by Talmage
    also there is something called the “burning in the bosom”
    which i can only say i have felt once,

    the presense of the spirit and the spirit of revelation is something else entirely.
    ONCE among all my poisons both from members and satanists and wolf packs, I sat in the bishops chair and the drug induced mental torture/torment stopped “instantly”.
    when i picked up a hitchhiker, he sat in my car and said with a loud voice I am healed. its surprising to me! that which caused me mental anguish, made him think he was healed.
    when i went to a lutheran church, i sat in the back with many pews separated between me and the practicing quior and my lungs burned with wind of acid, i had never before experienced in such potency.
    when i was in the presence of JWs the particles of the air that burned in my throat and caused instant toxity to my mind speaks volumes of poisons which many think is the spirit of God
    when i went to the baptist church / temple in anchorage more than once as a visitor, first to see the nativity acted on stagge I saw the particles in the air just as clearly in the spotlight as i knew the spirit in that building was not of God but of narcotic substances.
    2nd when i went again to the same temple church, the poison burned in my throat so intensely i had not ever eaten the “dust” that has rivaled such Sleep deprivation which is not the spirit of God but a pharmecutical poison as well.
    3rd in the same church i went to the auction while 2 or 3 people dressed in black actually “stalked” me as though they were trying to get in range to cast poison in the air around me again. in the same experience i experience a burning in my breath which was not as potent as the luther church but it was enough to speak out loud about repentance, Such things are EVIL and priestcrafts and sorceries.
    not of sheep and true shepherd but of Rev 18:4,23
    also i cannot forget the mormon church, the last day i attended church was that i was poisoned by air when two brethren of reputation sat in the pew in front of me, also such poison cause another day without sleep when i couldve gone home and fallen asleep as i had already gone without sleep for at least 2 days. if not only have ten minutes of sleep the day before.
    when i went to the LDS stadium for a youth conference i saw exactly the same kind of particles in the air that was probably of mix of narcotics and poisons of the same kinds already listed above, in my testimony against such things, these are indeed NOT the spirit of God.
    but pharmecutical sorcieries. this to me is the deception of sorceries that are plainly defined in rev ch. 18.
    the baptism if spirit i had experienced when the angelic person visited me in my room defies or particularly seems to defy these types of works for not having used any drugs to make the appearance of light.

  • Neuropsych says:

    Jesus is God.

    Luke 1:47, Isaiah 12:2 — God is my Savior – so is Jesus Christ — Jesus Christ is God! Revelation 1:17 – 18

    We, as humans, know NOTHING about the godhead that you refer to as the trinity. There is a reason why the godhead isn’t detailed in the Bible. It’s for the same reason all things of God aren’t detailed in the Bible. Jesus is God because they are one. God came to Earth in human form and God made a sacrifice for us on the cross to establish the new covenant.

    People cannot understand this. Jesus is the son and God at the same time. God is omnipotent. The Son is one with the Father and the Father is in the son. A son of a moose is not in his father. Think — if you copied your soul into an android, wouldn’t that android be your son? Same thing. And then you let the android die and he called out to you for help, that would be understandable. So the android is dead and his soul – your soul joins up with itself again so nothing is lost.

  • Machinegun Mama says:

    as a mormon I believed int he buring int hebosom, but feeligns can be deceptive and I always followed my psychic nature as a mormon, I don;t what others followed, my psychic nature led me out of the church by the way.
    I do nto know what other pagans feel, probably their psychic nature as well. I could read people and got prophectic dreams and premonitions that is just how a person lives as a pagan/psychic.

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