First know, I am a Christian. I am not attacking the Christian faith, but I am strongly objecting to how more and more Christians are treating nonbelievers. This is my response to what I see as more and more judgmental Christians out there who seems to think they are something special and snub those that aren’t believers. The only people Jesus ever blasted were the religious leaders of His time. They put Him down for hanging out with ‘sinners’, for eating with them, for even being around them, yet Christ said He came not for the righteous but for the sinners of which we all are. The only difference between us and others is we are saved sinners. Of course we strife to be Christ like and through the Holy Spirit many of those sins are gone but we commit one of the worse sins by driving people away by being hateful towards them! Jesus said the world would hate us for loving Him…but is that the reason you are hated? Or its it because you bully and put down others and try to dictate their lives? If you notice the Jews were being run by the worse nation in the world, Rome, yet Jesus did nothing to try to change Rome. He never fought against it, never ranted about their pagan gods, nor how badly they treated the Jews…why was that? Because change comes through the heart first. Eventually Rome fell, due to changed hearts but not by bullying or forcing their ways on them. We cannot ignore the teachings of Christ to love others, even our enemies saying well He is going to judge …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@horzie thanks. 🙂
@AndyIsAlsoWatergun You know what is interesting about all your comments is you are so outraged thinking I am judging others…that judging others is bad, horrible, etc, yet all you have done is judged me. Why is it ok for you to judge me and my faith but its not ok for me to say a word to anyone else? Why it is not ok for me to have an opinion but its ok for you to have one? I am not the one that has gone on your channel cussing and carrying on in rage..
@horzie Thanks!
@AndyIsAlsoWatergun lol that is funny you are defending muslims..I think you better go ask them what they believe about you. What I said was the truth to him, muslims on here. just want to undermine our faith like you are trying to do. I am sorry you are so angry. It must be tough walking around so fill with anger and hate all the time like this.
@AndyIsAlsoWatergun No I do not think I am better then others ..but many Christians do and make video’s to draw in atheist just so they can attack them and mock them. Which is why I made this video. It goes against everything Jesus teaches. They aren’t following His teachings or they wouldn’t do things like that.
@AndyIsAlsoWatergun I never said that. Its not up to me its up to God.
@AndyIsAlsoWatergun Actually the comment area on my channel is messed up..along with several other options we are suppose to have..and the layout is messed up. I have worked on it and worked on it and can’t get those things to work. Anyway you say what you want too it doesn’t matter to me. This video is directed at other Christians though and wasn’t made to debate our faith. I have debated atheist for goes no where so I don’t anymore.
i see you dont allow comments on your channel moonglow. why is that? what are you afraid of? what are you hiding??? i know you will remove thecomments i have posted on this brilliant video of yours…why? because if there’s one thing that christians love its censorship of those who call them out on their bullshit or those who are smarter than them and can prove their religion false. so go ahead, delete my comments. i will realize how little faith you actually do have…
@moonglow38 too bad you still think that superjackie is gonna burn in hell for being a pagan. how kind of you! christianity is a huge scam and has made you the hateful peson you are today! congrats!
@moonglow38 “not here to preach to the unsaved”…right there you just made yourself better than me and all the other non christians of the world. you have just cast your disgusting judgment on a muslim posting here. you are not a kind christian. you are a typical christian. bigoted, judgemental and thinks they are better because they are “saved” by a dead jew on a stick. now, YOU have a great day!
and by the way, you DO think you are better than those who do not believe. its part of the religion. you think that your life is now more valuable because you’ve been “saved”. christianity is hateful. take a look around. your god was beyond evil. good think he’s just pretend!!! stop trying to be this “kind” christian. because deep down you still think gays are going to hell and you still want to take reproductive rights away from women. am i wrong here??? prolly not.
What a fucking scam this video is. The creator of this vid basically says that people who are not christians are “lost”. no we are not. nice try at trying to appear to be kind. you’re just patronizing. and dont forget all of the absolutly horrible things your god did to little children in the OT, oh and jesus gave more than those 2 commandments. he also instructed his followers to hate thier parents. am i taking those verses out of context? haha, i dont think so. you worship a monster.
@HamzaOmar8 Studying the bible would answer all your questions. This video is directed towards Christians..not here to preach to the unsaved. I have no interest in debating you. Check out CARM (you can google it) and ‘Fulfilled Prophecies and Other Evidence that the Bible is the Word of God’ by Matthew McGee. Sadly I have only found Muslims want to undermine our faith. Not interested. Have a great day.
How Jesus is God? And how Jesus is the son? And how Jesus is the creation? And how Jesus is the creature??? You do not say God does what he wants. ((The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: “Be”. And he was)).
@superjackie8 See Jesus would have asked you to dine with Him while we would all be doing the jaw drop at that. But He would have also asked you to follow Him too..
Being raised as you were, I am sure you already know your fate according to the bible and for whatever reason rejected that. Our job then to is simply continue loving you like Jesus, not hate on you which serves no purpose at all. Jesus never ever taught us to treat others drives them away as probably happened to you.
beautiful video! great job! i totally agree with you 🙂
well done
Not one of us can judge others salvation? How then do you know who the unbelievers are if you don’t judge (discern) them? The Word of God is the standard by which we judge anyone, believers or unbelievers. We are to TEST the spirits to see if they are of God, according to 1John 4:1. That takes judging (discerning).
@TMaitland121402 Thanks…great comment too..well put. 🙂
Moonglow38, thank you for this video, as Children of God we need to reminded of our call from God and how we should be to others, we want to bring them to God, not shove them away, As you stated we ARE the Body of Christ, we must act and be truly children of God to people, so that people see Jesus in us and want Jesus in their lives.
@Domodeath Thanks!
Great job Moonglow38
@zenguyh82 I realize many don’t believe in the bible..this video is directed towards Christians though, who should be believing in the teachings of Christ…otherwise can’t really call yourself a Christian then. Thanks for the comment.
Very nice I am not a christian I am a deist and if your message is hey do unto others as you would have them do unto you as the general consensus is of jesus then GREAT! But please just dont deliver the bible as fact Many GOOD people believe and love in God but do not believe in the bible or organized religion.