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its basic level, Sartorius’ mind control is not necessarily absolute; with some duelists, aspects of their old personalities can shine through on occasion, though this can be rectified should Sartorius exercise more strength in using his powers. The signature card used by the highest ranking members is White Veil, which represents their belief in “light of truth”.

Shortly after the second year begins, Chazz Princeton is defeated by Sartorius and coerced into joining the organization. From then on, he serves as means of converting the remaining top Obelisk Blue students (and eventually, the top Ra Yellow students) to their cause. In the process, both Alexis Rhodes and Bastion Misawa are also recruited.

Under Sartorius’ request, Chancellor Sheppard invites Prince Ojin of the kingdom of Misgarth (Misralz) to participate in the GX tournament. By defeating him in a Duel, Sartorius acquires the control switch to the country’s mind control satellite, along with the two keys for its activation (in the Japanese version, it is instead the most destructive laser satellite in the world, known as Sora (, Sra?). To prevent his evil side from instigating his plans, Sartorius eventually approaches Jaden and Aster, giving them the keys. In response, his evil personality assigns more dueling assassins to win the keys back, but is unsuccessful.

Aster then breaks into Obelisk Blue looking for Sartorius, and finds him waiting in the Society of Light’s private duel field. Intending to keep his promise of saving Sartorius from his destiny of becoming a destroyer, Aster considers relinquishing his key to the satellite, but is persuaded by Jaden to do otherwise. Recognizing the present Sartorius as an impostor posing as his friend, he wagers the key in a

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