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while rendering himself almost untouchable with a wide array of Spells and Traps.

Prince Ojin

Prince Ojin I (, jn ji?) is a professional duelist and celebrity from Misgarth. His name is meant to be a pun, as “jin” is the Japanese word for “royal person”. In the English version, Ojin is voiced by Darren Dunstan, while Hisayoshi Suganuma takes the role in the Japanese version.

Ojin dueled against Sartorius in the GX tournament. He gloated that he would defeat Sartorius with one attack, but was himself defeated before Sartorius’ first turn even came. Upon his defeat, he fell under Sartorius’ influence and provided him with the control switch to his mind control satellite. He returns later in the tournament to retrieve one of the switch’s keys given to Jaden by Sartorius’ good personality, but fails despite aid from the Dark Light. While Jaden and Sartorius face one another in their final Duel, Ojin falls under Sartorius’ control once again, and is successful in arming the satellite.

Ojin plays a Satellite deck. His strategic preference involves devoting all his resources to performing a “One Turn Kill” with Satellite Cannon. In the case that this manoeuvre fails, he is also able to fuse three copies of said monster together to summon Satellite Laser Balsam by activating Debris Station for a final wave of destruction.

Dr. Eisenstein

Dr. Eisenstein, known as Dr. Albert Zweinstein (, Arubto Tsubainshutain Hakase?) in the original Japanese language version, is a nine-time Nobeli Award-winning German medical doctor with an IQ of 173 specializing in duel physics. His name is a pun on the name of Albert Einstein. In the Japanese version, Zweinstein is voiced by Takeshi Aono.

Eisenstein arrives at Duel Academy

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