ancient and neo-Byzantine Orthodox churches, despite the fact that the majority of buildings are built post 1945, due to the battering the city took during World War 2. At the end of that conflict Bulgaria came under the control of the communist bloc and Stalinist style utilitarian apartments and factories were built at such a pace that the city expanded into new suburbs and attracted many workers from rural areas. But, don’t be put off, in the city centre itself you will still find tree-lined avenues with charming little side streets that feature cafes and vast bazaars. There is a relaxed ambience and you’ll often find the charming sight of Bulgarian gypsies playing their fiddles on street corners.
Lying in the shadow of Mount Vistosha, there are plenty of winter ski and other summer recreational opportunities throughout the year, such as hiking, around Sofia. The city itself has undergone a transformation over the last ten years as it moves away from the communist influence and tries to establish itself as a modern European capital. You’ll find prices very reasonable in just about all aspects; from drinks to hotel rooms and including shopping! With over 300 bars, clubs, cafes and restaurants to choose from you’ll find Sofia a vibrant and lively city to visit.
Matt Davies writes travel articles for, who offer cheap hotels in Sofia.
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