Some Tips and Facts About Psychics
One of the worst misunderstandings people make around psychic readings is having an unrealistic expectation of the psychics abilities and accuracy when it comes to telling the future. Even the top psychic readers are human and are not infallible, like the rest of us they are not perfect. So, why should we expect so much from the psychic doing the reading for us.
There’s no doubt that advertising on the TV and in magazines is probably responsible for the level of expectation we have when it comes to psychic reading. There are instances, when most of us would benefit from seeing a good psychic reader, especially when we are feeling confused and lost.
Some information on what professional psychic readers can and cannot do.
1) Don’t ask a psychics to choose the winning lottery numbers, because they can’t.
2) A professional psychic will not promise to get your boy friend back by doing a spell, if they say they can, their only after your money. We all have free will so no amount of good luck charms or spells will make a partner come back to you if they don’t want to.
3) When a person is scared to move forward it restricts any healing or prayers sent to them. These people have to let go of the old and move forward into the new.
4) There are some healers and psychic mediums, who can bring about healing by bringing energy from the divine.
5) A proper psychic reader will not tell you stupid things like what did you have for lunch two days ago, or what did you have for breakfast yesterday.
6) Psychics are sensitive to an individuals energy and will use clairaudience, clairsentience or clairvoyance when reading for them. They
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